My first kiss

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"Y/n? Where are you going?" Harry asks. You and the golden trio had just got out of lesson and you desperately needed to meet Draco.

Ever since the start of your 6th year at hogwarts, you were forced to be a death eater because of your parents and you were given the task to help Draco with the vanishing cabinet.

He was always so rude to you and all you wanted to do was be helpful.

"O-oh I need to meet someone, I'll see you guys later." You say and quickly make your way to the room of requirement to work on the vanishing cabinet.

"L/n! Pass me my wand so I can fix up the cabinets door." Draco says.

"S-sure!" You say and quickly hand his wand to him and then you walk around the room of requirement.

"L/n, stop looking around and help me with this." Malfoy snaps. You stop daydreaming and quickly go to Draco and help him with the vanishing cabinet.


"Y/n? Are you alright?" Ron asks as you, Hermione and Ron all make your way down to the library. Harry was in detention with Snape again so he couldn't come to the library.

"Oh! Um yeah I'm fine! Totally fine." You say smiling and sitting down at a table in the library next to Hermione.

You look around the room before getting up and looking around for some books that may help with fixing the vanishing cabinet.

An hour later, you look at the time and quickly grab your things.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asks.

"I need to meet someone, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" You smile at them before quickly going to the room of requirement again.


"M-Malfoy? Do you think it was the right choice to get the dark mark and follow in our parent's footsteps?" You ask him as you were working on the cabinet again.

He sighs.

"I-I don't know." He admits. You felt sorry for Draco.

"I just want to make my father proud and not be such a disappointment to him." Draco says before walking off. You look at him walking off and shrug your shoulders before going back to fixing the cabinet.


A couple of days later, you and Draco were in the room of requirement again fixing the cabinet. You felt like you weren't so shy anymore around him and actually felt kind of comfortable around him.

"Y/n? Could you pass me that apple?" He says pointing to the green apple on the table next to you.

You nod before giving it to him.

He sighs and puts the apple in the cabinet before closing it and waiting.

You walk up to Draco and put your hand on his shoulder, waiting for something to happen.

After a couple of minutes of waiting for something to happen, Draco slowly opens the cabinet door to see the apple.

You both frown thinking nothing had happened but you both thought wrong.

Draco looked at the other side of the apple to see it had been bitten. You both smiled and Draco hugged you.

"I'm happy for you Draco." You smile.

"Why aren't you happy?" He asks and lets go of you.

"Because I don't want to be a death eater. If will just end up bad and I don't want to be lime my parents." You sigh.

"I know Y/n but if I don't do this my parents with be killed by Voldemort." He sighs. You hesitantly put your arms around Draco and brush your fingers through his hair.

"It's gonna be ok Draco." You smile. He wraps his arms around your waist and puts his head on your shoulder.

"Your so tiny." He smiles. You blush.

"T-thank you I guess." You say and he lifts his head up.

"Okay please don't be mad if I do this ok?" He asks.

"Okay?" You say. He smiles at you before pressing his lips against yours. You gasp before returning the kiss.

"T-that was my first kiss." You blush and look down.

Draco just smiles and kisses your head.

"I-I like you Y/n."

"I think I like you too." You smile up at him before pecking his lips again.

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