We are over pt.2

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I'm sorry that you guys had to wait so long for me to publish part 2, I just started school and I'm already annoyed lol

Anyways here is part 2 :D


Ever since you kissed Draco, he couldn't stop thinking about you. Sure he had feelings for you before but when you kissed him, he felt like he was on cloud nine.

He couldn't go up to you. He was too shy. When you tried to talk to him, he simply walked away. You thought you had done something wrong. Since you were an overthinker, it made it ten times worse.

You were currently sat in the library, studying for an upcoming test you had in a couple of days. You were currently alone, not many people were in the library with you since it was almost curfew.

It was also very peaceful with no one else around.

You were sat at the back of the library, no one could really see you which in your point of view was amazing since you didn't want to feel like everyone was watching you, making you feel anxious.

You stare into the book in front of you, trying to absorb all the information into your head.


"Do you know where Y/n is?" Draco asked one of the 2nd years in the Slytherin common room.

"N-no." They said, running away up to their dorm.

Draco rolled his eyes and headed out the common room in search for you.

He was worried about you.

He searched around the corridors for a bit and decided to try look for you in the library.

He knew where you'd be in the library, you always wanted to stay out of people's way. He chuckled at that thought.

You heard foot steps approach your table. You looked up to see Draco. You smiled at him. He smiled back awkwardly and hesitantly sat next to you.

"Hi." You simply said, not looking at him but at your book.

"Hello." He said awkwardly, looking anywhere else but at you.

The tension between you two was intense.

Even if it was a kiss, you both had strong feelings for each other. What made it worse is that you two were socially awkward and Draco found it hard to express his feelings.

"W-why were you ignoring me this week?" You ask him.

He sighs and looks down at his lap.

"I was nervous. N-no I was nervous around you. Ever since you kissed me in front of Blaise, my feelings for you grew so much. I liked you before but I was so scared to come up to you because I thought you didn't like me back. That you were using me to get to Blaise. But when your friend told me in Potions that you liked me, I was terrified. I've never liked anyone properly whose liked me back. It scares me." He says, talking at a million miles per hour.

You were shocked, he was just spilling out everything to you.

You place your hand on his shoulder and he immediately looks at you.

You blush and smile.

"It's ok Draco." You say, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

He blushes.

"Come on let's get out of here." He says, taking your hand and leading you out the library. That's when you realise. The door was locked.

"I guess it's past curfew." You say. He nods and sighs.

"Well, there is a sofa over there, I wanna cuddle you." He says, lifting you up and heading to the sofa.

You gasp and blush.

He laughs at how red your face got. It gave him butterflies in his stomach.

"So what are we?" You ask.

"Well since we kinda confessed to each other, I'm going to take it as your my girlfriend now." He smirks.

You giggle and lean into his chest.

"Okay then, I'm going to take it as your my boyfriend now."

He smiles.


Honestly this is so bad and the ending is not epic but I know I haven't updated in about a month so I'm sorry guys.

Um yeah comment some ideas and I'll try and write a few❤️

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