I just want to cuddle

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I've been having a writers block recently oof

Also please check out brightb0i & his Draco Malfoy oneshot book!

Thank you! :)


You had just come home from a long day at work at the ministry. Your husband Draco also worked at the ministry but he worked from home a lot.

After Hogwarts you decided you wanted to work in the magical creatures department at the ministry so when they offered you the job there you were delighted!

After you were offered the job, Draco proposed to you and you two got married.

You had a son Scorpius and you couldn't of been happier. Your son had just started his 3rd at school so it was just you and Draco in the house until your son came home for Christmas.

"Dray? I'm home!" you call. You hear no answer so you assume he's not home so you put your things away and make your way to the kitchen to make yourself some tea.

As your making the tea, you feel two strong arms wrap around you.

"Hi baby."

"Hey love, where were you I called out to you when I got home."

"Sorry, I was outside." Draco says burying his head into your neck.

"It's okay, how was working from home today?"

"Boring because it's so quiet in the manor without you."

"Awe baby I know but I can't work from home since I work in the magical creatures department."

"I know but I like it when your a home, can we just cuddle please?" Draco asks kissing your neck while still holding onto you.

"Mm sure Dray." You smile.

You get changed into something more comfortable and join Draco downstairs on the sofa.

As soon as you sit down, he immediately pulls you onto his lap.

"Hi Y/n." He innocently smiles

"Hi Draco." You laugh.

You both stay in that position as you watch the muggle tv in front of you.

Life couldn't be better than it already is.

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