A Weasley?! pt.2

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It had been four months since you had started going out with Draco. You had to keep your relationship a secret because of your overprotective brother. Ginny, Hermione and Luna knew because you could trust them even if they didn't approve of your relationship.

Everyone was currently in lesson. You and Draco both had a free period, so you thought why not go and study at the black lake where It was peaceful. You were studying for your charms test coming up while Draco was completing his Herbology homework, but he was just running his hands through your soft ginger hair.

It was moments like this where everything was peaceful, and you loved to spend every moment with your boyfriend.

"Babyyyy" Draco whined.

"Yes Dray? I'm trying to study." You said smiling.

"Can we study in my dorm I'm cold." He said putting his books in his bag and standing up. Extending his hand to help you up.

"Sure let me just put my things away babe." You said, standing up and grabbing Draco's hand to head back to his dorm.

The Slytherin's approved of you. They said you were different and didn't bother you even if you were a Gryffindor and a Weasley. They probably only like you because some of them knew you were dating Draco. Since you were dating Draco you had become friends with Draco's best friend Blaise. He was one of the nicer Slytherins and knew about you and Draco.

Pansy Parkinson didn't know about you and Draco she thought you were very close friends, but she didn't like you because you were a Weasley and a Gryffindor. You couldn't care less even if she tried to torment you.

"Come on Babe, no one is in my dorm, we can cuddle and ill help you with your potions homework." Draco smiled at you. You laughed.

"So this is why you wanted to go to your dorm so we could cuddle?" you said.

"Maybe" Draco smirked. Saying the password to the Slytherin common room and going in. you followed him to his dorm.

After one hour of studying and Draco whineing because he wanted to cuddle you, you finally gave up and cuddled with Draco.

"I love you Y/n"

You gasped. You and Draco had never said I love you before you smiled before kissing his lips.

"I love you too Draco, even if you annoy me sometimes." You smiled.

After another hour of cuddling and kissing, you decided to make your way back to your own common room. You hoped Ron wasn't there or he would flip if he found out you were going out with Draco.

Of course he was there. He was with Harry and Hermione. You decided it would be best if you go straight to your dorm and stay there till you went down to dinner.


You turned around. Of course that plan would fail.

"Yes Ron" you said walking over to the trio smiling.

"Where have you been?" Ron asks sitting up and looking at you.

"I was studying at the black lake. It's a peaceful place to study. Why?" You said.

"I feel like you've been sneaking around a lot. Is there something your not telling me?" Ron asked looking betrayed. "wait...are you dating someone?" Harry asked.

Harry was like Ron. An older brother even though you were older than him.

"Um...maybe. I'm going to go take a nap see you guys later!" you said quickly going to your dorm. Both looked confused as Hermione smiled.

"So Y/n. Whose the lucky guy?" Ron said while you were both walking to charms.

"Why are you so interested in my love life all of a sudden?" you said laughing.

"I just want to know who my sister is dating, is that a crime n/n?"

"No, I just don't think I'm ready to tell you yet, sorry Ron." You said smiling shyly at him.

"Fine but you better tell me soon." Ron laughed. You smiled and sat down next to Draco.



You were writing notes in charms when you felt Draco's hand on your thigh. You smiled and shook your head as you were writing, that sneaky git.

A piece of paper landed on your desk. You opened it.

'meet me at the abandoned corridor on the seventh floor after class – D.M'

You responded with sure and carried on with what you were doing.

After lesson was other you packed your things away and made your way to the seventh floor. You see Draco already there leaning up against the wall. He smiles when he sees you.

"Hey baby" he says and pulls you into his chest as he leans against the wall and kisses you. You soon start having a full makeup session.

"what the fuck?" you hear a voice say. You immediately see its Ron and stand away from Draco.

"So, this is who your dating? Seriously? Malfoy?" Ron says.

"Why are you here?" You ask.

"I was trying to catch up to you and I was curious on why you were going to the seventh floor." He says.

"Oh." Was all you said. Draco the whole time was silent. He didn't want to interfere in the conversation.

"Well n/n at least he makes you happy. I don't like you Malfoy but you make my sister happy so I will leave you guys. See you later sis." Ron smiles at you before leaving.

"At least he didn't get annoyed at you." Draco says laughing and pulling you close and kissing your head.

"Yeah." You smile.


Sorry this part 2 was really bad oof

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