Dating Draco Malfoy would include..

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- Him being super adorable only around you

- Being super protective of you

- You comforting him when things become too much for him (Him becoming a death eater)

- Him always going to love you no matter what

- Him calling you things like
• Baby
• Babe
• Princess
• Love
• Cutie
• Baby girl

- You calling him things like
• Dray
• Drakie Poo (to annoy him lol)
• Babe
• Baby
• My prince

- him buying you gifts even though it's not Christmas or anything

- So much PDA lol

- him giving you hugs from behind

- him cuddling you at night

- not getting any homework done from his constant need for attention

- helping him study

- so many cute surprises

- being nicer to the golden trio etc

- him only showing this 'adorable and affectionate side' to you

- Pansy always tries to steal Draco away from you but it always ends in her getting humiliated.

- him always being there for you no matter what, him always loving you and cherishing you like your the last person on Earth.

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