Valentine's day <3

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House: Any
Blood-status: Any
year/date: Year 5


You wake up to someone cuddling you. It's Draco. You two have been dating for 3 years. It's been the best 3 years of your life.

"Good morning Love." Mumbles Draco kissing you ear.

"Morning Dray." You smile turning around in his arms to give him a kiss.

"Guess what day it is today Baby." Draco smiles, moving his arms up and down on your hips.

"It's Valentine's Day! And I have a gift for you in my dorm." You smile giving him another kiss.

"Aw babe you didn't have to.." He smiles lazily. You giggle at how adorable he is.

"So what shall we do today?" You ask him.

"Hmmm maybe we could get up and take a walk around the school?" He asks you.

"Sure thing baby." You smile, getting out of bed and stretching.


After you got dressed and ready for the day, you and Draco head out to take a walk before getting something to eat.

You end up at the black lake. It's fairly quiet, the only noises are the birds chirping.

"So love, the reason I wanted to bring you here is because this is where I asked you to date me. I love you so much Y/n, you have taught me so much and cared for me. Happy Valentine's Day baby." He smiles pulling out a small black ring box. A promise ring.

"Draco! I- wow! I'm speechless! I love you!" You smile as he puts the promise ring on your finger.

"One day Y/n, you're going to become Mrs Malfoy and nothing will stop me loving you." He smiles taking you into his arms.

A few years later..

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Malfoy!"


Hi! Happy Valentine's Day people! I updated for once and I think I have a few ideas for this book ❤️🥰

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