Don't catch feelings pt.1

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Draco's birthday is in a couple of days 🥳🥳


"So friends with benefits?" Your friend asks.

"Yeah, to relive sexual tension and we can't catch feelings for each other since it would be insanely awkward since I'm a Gryffindor and he's a Slytherin." You say.

"Alright, be careful then." Your friend smiles and walking to her next class.

You also start walking to class.


You see Draco Malfoy walking towards you.

"What is it Malfoy?" You ask.

"Meet me in the room of requirement after curfew." Draco whispers into your ear and simply walks away.

You smile and head to class.


It's after curfew and you make your way to the room of requirement.

You see Draco and you both walk through the door and a very small but fancy bedroom appears.

Soon enough you two are having a full on makeout session and some clothes are on the floor like ties and shoes.

Draco carefully places you down on the bed and kisses you neck. You moan.

"I love you Y/n." Draco mumbles. You froze. Draco realises what he said and stands up, blushing.

"I'm so sorry I know we weren't supposed to catch feelings and I did and I shouldn't of said that." He says, still blushing and rubs the back of his neck.

You giggle and stand up, wrapping your arms around his waist. He wraps his arms around your neck.

"I love you too Draco." You smile kissing his lips.

"Now shall we continue where we left off love?" He asks.

"Of course." You smile.

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