Wedding day

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Holy shit thank you so much for 15k 🥺💞


Today was your day. Your wedding day. You were getting married to your soulmate, your best friend, your everything. Draco Malfoy.

He proposed to you when you two went on a romantic walk on the beach and everything couldn't of been better.

"Y/n! You look beautiful!" Your mother says, smiling at you.

"Thank you mum." You say smiling.

You were wearing a beautiful white dress. It was simple but elegant.

"It's time!" Your father says coming into the room. Looking down at you proudly. You smile and your mum leaves the room to take a seat.

Your dad leads you to the huge double doors that are closed. Behind them doors is your future husband.

You were nervous but excited. You looked at your dad and smiled.

"Ready N/n?"

"I'm ready." You smile.

The double doors open. You see the Malfoys sitting proudly and your mother is looking at you proudly too.

Then you saw Draco. He was wearing a black suit with a white flower in his top pocket. (if you get what I mean thank you very much I didn't know how to explain it oof)

His hair was combed neatly and he was looking down at you with pure love.

You smiled at him and made your way to the platform where he was standing.

You thanked and hugged your dad and Draco made his way down to take your hand.

You take Draco's hand and smile at him.

"You look stunning love." He smiles.

"You don't look too bad yourself." You say.


The ceremony was lovely. You and Draco exchanged rings and said your vows. You shed a few tears and so did Draco at one point.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

Draco didn't hesitate to jump and pull you into a passionate kiss. Everyone was cheering and clapping but to you it was only you and Draco in the room.

"I love you Mrs Malfoy."

"I love you more Mr Malfoy."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now