I have loved you since we were kids.. pt.1

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I rushed this so I will make sure a part 2! It will be out in a couple of days :D



You turn around to see you childhood best friend and crush walking towards you.

You smile and wave at him.

"Why are you still wearing a suit?" You ask.

"Because I didn't have time to change on the train, Potter was being annoying." He grumbles.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go Y/n." He says, grabbing your arm and leading you to a carriage.

"Why are you two so late?" Flitwick asks.

"Why does it matter to you?" Draco sneers.

"Draco, Y/n. Come along now." Snape says in his usual voice.

You knew about Draco being a death eater and you were terrified but he had no choice so you stood with him. You didn't become a death eater like your parents, you stayed with the Malfoy's but you knew you would have to get the dark mark soon enough.

As soon as you got to Hogwarts, Draco went to change and you went to sit at the Slytherin table and made sure you saved a seat for Draco.

Draco came in late and sat down next to you silently.

Blaise looked at you and mouthed if Draco was alright. You nodded and ate the remaining food you had on your plate.

"Draco? You should eat something." You say. Draco hadn't eaten anything since he had sat down at the table.

"I'm not hungry Y/n." He mumbles and stares into space.

You frown and continue to talk with Pansy about the latest gossip and grab Draco's hand under the table to comfort him.

A couple of weeks went by and Draco became very distant towards you.

You knew that he had tasks to do involving the dark lord but you didn't think he would become very distant towards you.

"Draco? What's up? You look very pale." You ask him.

It was late at night and you two were the only ones left in the common room. Draco was reading a book where as you were doodling on a piece of spare parchment.

"I'm fine Y/n. You should go to bed." He says, not looking up from his book that he was reading. You sigh and nod.

A couple more days went past and you got really concerned with Draco's health so you decided to follow him but Harry beat you two it and you heard a loud noise coming from the boys bathroom as you were walking down the hall.

You saw a flash of light and you knew something was wrong.

You storm in to see Draco on the floor.


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