Just best friends?

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Y/N/N = Your nickname & your favourite honeydukes sweet is chocolate frogs.
(Sorry to those who don't want to have their favourite sweet as a chocolate frog, you may change it!)

You had been best friends with Draco Malfoy for almost four years now. For the first two years at Hogwarts he was a real dick to you, even though you were in Slytherin.

You were the nice slytherin. You didn't know why you were put in Slytherin because your parents were Hufflepuffs but they still loved you what ever house you were in.

Your parents absolutely loved Draco and secretly hoped you two would become something more than best friends.

You weren't gonna lie, you did have feelings for your best friend but you were almost certain he didn't like you back.


"Pssst! Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!" You hear a male voice whispering in your ear. You open your eyes to see your best friend Draco looking down at you.

"Draco! How did you get into my dorm!" You shriek and hide your face under your pillow.

"I had to flirt with Parkinson to get up here since she wouldn't let me past." He groans.

"Oh." Was all you said as you had a weird sensation in your stomach. Jealousy. "Okay, what day is it?" You ask.

"It's Saturday and you have one hour to get ready to go to Hogsmeade with me!" He smirks. "And meet me in common room!" He smiles and leaves your dorm.

You get out of bed and put on your clothes for the day. Brush your hair and shrug your coat on. You had five minutes until you had to meet Draco so you grabbed your bag and put your shoes on and headed out your dorm.

"Hey Draco! I'm ready!" You said smiling at the tall blonde boy.

"I can see that." He smirked. You laughed and looped your arm with his and headed out the Slytherin common room.


"So Y/N/N where shall we go first?" He asks smiling down at you as you walk through Hogsmeade.

"Can we get sweets from honeydukes please Dray?" You ask him with puppy dog eyes. He laughs and pats your head.

"Of course love." He says. Love. He'd never called you that before. You had butterflies in your stomach. "Y/n? Y/n! Stop daydreaming and let's go get sweets you git." He laughs and leads you to Honeydukes.


You arrive at honeydukes and immediately it's quite busy, full of Hogwarts students trying to get sweets to sneak into class with. You smile.

"Come on, let's go over here where it's not too crowded." You day and lead Draco to a less crowded area of the shop.

You see your favourite sweet from the shop, chocolate frogs. You try to reach for one but because you were so small you couldn't reach the box. You hear a chuckle from behind you and you turn around to glare at Draco. You knew it was Draco from his voice. You loved his laugh so so much. You smile sheepishly and step back at Draco reaches for the chocolate.

He turns around and smiles giving you the chocolate frog. You squeal and wrap your arms around the slim blonde. He chuckles again and returns the hug.

You pay for the chocolate and head out the shop. You make your way back to the common room after a long day at Hogsmeade.

No one was around in the common room yet and you found it odd.


You turn around to see Draco staring at you. You look at him questionably.

"Yes Draco?" You say.

"There is something I'd like to tell you." He mumbles and looks down. You could tell he was thinking.

"Sure Draco go ahead." You smile reassuringly.

He hesitates. "Y/n M/n L/n I'm in love with you."

You stare at him shocked. Your best friend and crush just admitted his feelings towards you. You snap out of your day dreaming stance and walk towards him smashing your lips against his.

"I love you too idiot"

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now