Your just jealous!

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Hey! I hope everyone is doing okay! Sorry I haven't been updating as often as I should, school is being a pain in the ass but I'll try to update as much as possible :)

Anyways enjoy this imagine! <3


I am the youngest out of all my sisters, most of my sisters had graduated hogwarts way before me. It was just me and my other sister..Elizabeth who was in her 7th year at hogwarts. My other sisters were married or had jobs.

Being the youngest had advantages but also disadvantages. You were in your fourth year. You were a Gryffindor. Your siblings were from all houses. Your oldest sibling was in Slytherin and your sister still attending school was in Ravenclaw and then your other siblings were in Hufflepuff.

"Hey Y/n!"

You turn around to see the Golden trio, your best friends walking towards you. You smile and shove your bag over your shoulder and walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" You smile and you all walk to the black lake to sit down.

"So Y/n, have you found out who your father is yet?" Hermione asks, sitting on one of the rocks.

"No, mum won't tell me..nor my older sister since she kind of remembers him but my other sisters don't." You smile sadly.

"So Y/n? The Yule ball is in a couple of days, has anyone asked you?"

"No, I'm not surprised, I'm probably gonna go alone." You say. "Has anyone asked you?" You smirk.

Hermione blushes.

"I think we all know Y/n." Ron mumbles.

You frown.

"Well I think I'm gonna go to the library to study." You say getting up and putting your bag over you shoulder.

"I'll see you guys back at the common room."

As you were walking, you saw Draco also going to the library to study.

You and Draco had been studying together for the past couple weeks. You were helping him study for exams and doing homework together. Sometimes you wondered why you weren't put in Ravenclaw like your sister.

"Draco!" You say. Draco turns around and smiles.

"Hey Y/n..are you going to study in the library?"

"Yeah, I was hoping I'd see you." You smile.

Draco smiles and takes your hand, leading you to the library.

When you found a quiet spot in the corner, you got out your books and started to read for a bit. Draco was finishing off some homework that he had due for tomorrow.

You sigh and lean back.

"What's wrong Y/n?"

"Lately I've been trying to find out who my father is, he has been missing for years." You say.

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/n." Draco smiles sadly.

"It's alright, I think I'm gonna go back to my dorm." You say, collecting your things.

"Um..Y/n? Are you going with anyone to the Yule Ball?"

"No why?" You ask.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?" Draco blushes. You blush.

"Sure! I'll meet you outside the great hall before it starts!" You smile and start to walk back to your dorm.

"See you later Draco." You say, turning around and smiling before walking out the library. Draco smiles.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now