Stuck with you

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Honestly guys, I don't know what the fuck I just wrote but it's so bad :///:&&328&


You had detention for the 3rd time this week. You weren't surprised though. The first time you got detention was because you were late to potions. Snape didn't want to deduct house points so he gave you detention. The second time you got detention was for you forgetting your homework that was due.

The third time was because you were arguing with Draco and he wouldn't shut up about his father so Professor Flitwick gave you both detention.

"Thanks for this L/n! Your so kind to give us both detention." Malfoy says rolling his eyes. You were both given some books and parchment. You had to study for an upcoming test in charms.

You roll your eyes and continue to study. This was also the third time you'd had detention with Malfoy.


"This counts towards your exam! Do not mess it up and cause mayhem again." Snape says and looks at Longbottom who quickly looks down at the floor.

"You have been assigned partners!" He says and starts to call out names.

"Draco and Y/n." He says. You frown and take your things to sit next to Draco.

"Hello ferret!" You smirk. He frowns and opens his potions book to the right page.

After a couple of minutes of making the potion, Snape comes round and checks everyone's potions.

"Draco! Y/n, your potion is not correct, the colour is supposed to be green not red. Retry again!" Snape snaps at both of you. You roll your eyes.

"Miss L/n, detention for rolling your eyes and since Draco is your partner, both of you detention for failing to do the potion correctly!" He snaps at you again.

Draco narrows his eyes. He had never had detention from Snape before because he knew that he was Snape's favourite. He knew the only reason he got detention was because of Y/n.


"Thanks L/n! Again the fourth detention with you!" Draco sneers at you.

"Suck it up ferret! I don't want to be here as much as you do, let's just create the potion again and then I won't cause you any more trouble." You say.

Once you had done the potion of the second time, you were really happy that you wouldn't spend another detention with ferret boy.

"Yay! I'm so happy we can leave!" You smile at Draco for once.

He smiles back a bit and looks down at the floor.

He kisses you cheek and blushes slightly before walking off down the corridor.

Your confused but also blush. You felt a strange feeling in your stomach. You kinda weren't complaining though.

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