Can I kiss you?

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I don't know what this is..I'm sorry, I don't have any ideas :(

Also holy shit thank you for 20k 😭❤️


"Class dismissed!"

You walk out of Charms and head to your common room to start on some homework.

Your a Half blood Ravenclaw. Your also very quiet and shy. You don't have many friends either but it's ok.


You turn around to see your friend F/n walking towards you. She is in Ravenclaw just like you.

"Are you going to start the potions homework due in a couple of days?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm gonna do it when we are in the common room!" You smile. Suddenly you bash into someone and you fall to the ground. You sigh and pick your books up.

"You alright Y/n?" F/n asks.

"Yeah I think so, did you see who pushed me?" You ask, brushing the dirt off you.

"I'm pretty sure it was Malfoy, what a jerk! When we get to the common room we can relax and start on the homework later on." She says, taking your arm and leading you to the Ravenclaw tower.


Over the next couple of days, Draco kept bumping into you and it was getting really annoying. Over the next week he started calling you names and you didn't really think much of it since he's mean to everybody but it was annoying you.

So after dinner you went up to him and his friends.

"Malfoy can I talk to you? Privately?" You ask quietly.

He smirks and nods, leading you down to a abandoned corridor.

"What do you want L/n?" He asks.

"I didn't think you knew who I was?"

"Oh I do, your Y/n L/n. A half blood Ravenclaw."

"Alright then..not creepy at all." You say to yourself.

"What do you want L/n." He asks, half bored.

"Why do you keep being mean to me and pushing into me, your so annoying!" You say.

He just laughs.

"Your very cute when your angry." He smirks. Your heart rate picks up.

Draco walks towards you, you walk backwards and you back into a wall.

"Great now your trapped." You think.

"You look scared L/n." He says.

"Maybe because I am." You say.

"You don't need to be scared." He says and kissing you on the cheek.

Then leaving you, confused.

Over the next few days, Draco completely ignored you, you were confused as to why he was bothering you but you still were happy he was ignoring you, I guess.

One night you were coming back from the library and you see Draco also walking the same way towards you.

He looked sad and when he saw you, he hugged you. You were confused but hesitantly hugged him back.

He realised what he was doing and immediately stopping hugging you.

"I'm sorry." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. You smile and kiss his cheek.

"It's okay, I forgive you." You smile, walking down the hall.

"Wait Y/n!"

You turn around to see Draco blushing.

"Yes Draco?" You ask.

"I-I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmede with me this weekend?" He asks, still blushing.

"Sure! I'd love to go!" You smile.

"Can I kiss you?"


Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now