I love you too much to let you go..

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"So what your saying is after all this time you don't want to be with me anymore?" You scream, tears rolling down your face. Draco Malfoy, your boyfriend of 2 years, he was your best friend. He asked you to be his girlfriend in your 3rd year.

"Yes we are over, I like someone else." Draco says motionless.

You feel like screaming but you don't. You just storm up to your dorm and cry until you fall asleep.

Draco's POV

I did it for her own safety. Since y/n wasn't pure blood, father didn't approve. I got a letter. From father, he said I had to break it off with her.

I really love Y/n. So much but I think it's for the best.

Y/n's POV

All night. All night I've been crying. How and why would be do this. I loved him..and he loved me. Well I thought he did. Stupid git.

I should get over him. He's a guy. Just a guy.


Sorry it's so short. I'll do a part 2 <3
Also thank you for 275+ reads that means so much ❤️

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