My Gryffindor

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Thank you so much again to BitmojiBitch for writing this imagine! <3


*Draco's POV*

{Y/n} and I were sitting in the back of the potions classroom, pretending to hate each other. When in reality, we were crazy in love. {Y/n} and I have been a couple for about 7 months now, but have kept it a secret. She was friends with the Golden trio and I spent my time by myself or with dumbos. She was a Gryffindor and I was a Slytherin. She was a muggle-born and I was a pureblood. These were only a few of the things that got in the way of us going public. We both desperately wanted to go public, but {y/n} would probably get hate and her mental health isn't very good right now, so we're trying to keep her alive.

"Now, take out your textbook and go to page 766." Snape demanded bluntly. He was always blunt. Never smiled. Not my favourite type of person. I bent down to get my book from my bag, when I heard {y/n} looking around the place frantically, cursing/swearing under her breath.

"Shit, Shit, Shit." She kept saying.

"Pst, babe? What's wrong?" I asked her. {Y/n} is the most organised person I know, so I doubt she forgot anything.

"I left my textbook in my dorm. Snape will murder me." She sighed. This was really stressing her out. {Y/n}'s not one to get in trouble.

"We can both use mine, no big deal." I explained, continuing to pull my book out of my bag. {Y/n} grabbed my wrist and said to me, "But don't you think people will get suspicious?"

I sighed back at her. "Look, baby. I know how much you don't want to get in trouble. But even if people do get suspicious, we can just stand up for ourselves, unless you're ready to go public. Because I know I am. I've been ready since day one. But if you're not, that's ok too. Just know I love you baby."

She nodded and released her grip on my wrist. "I love you too."

I looked at her shocked. Was she telling me that it was ok? That she was finally ready?

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I questioned her. If she was, today would forever be the best day of my life. {Y/n} simply nodded and smiled at me. "Yes, we can."

I giggled like a little school girl and grabbed her hand, visibly holding it on the table. That's when Snape noticed.

"{Y/n} and Draco. Keep the PDA for the dorms, school grounds, corridors and elsewhere. Just not my classroom." He stated bluntly again. At the mention of PDA, everyone turned around to look at us. They all looked disgusted. All except the Golden Trio. They looked genuinely happy for their friend. I looked over at {y/n}, who had a wide smile plastered on her face. Her eyes were smiling and it made me so happy to know that it was because people knew about us. We let go of our hands and smiled again before finally listening to Snape. He had officially become my favourite teacher. Not because he was nice. Nope. Because he scared {y/n} enough that she would rather risk everything she had than get in trouble with him. And that was the reason we finally were able to be ourselves.

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