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You were in Slytherin. But you weren't like the other Slytherins. They mostly criticized the students that weren't Pureblood and in Slytherin. You were a Pureblood Slytherin except you didn't care if other students were Pureblood or not. Sometimes you wished you were in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.

You were quite close with the Golden Trio and members of the Gryffindor house or in most cases any house. People were surprised you were in Slytherin.

However, your boyfriend of 1 year, Draco Malfoy didn't like you being friends with the Golden Trio since he despises Harry so much you thought.

Your in your fifth year of Hogwarts now and OWLs were this year. You were very stressed. Even more stressed when an ugly pink toad came to teach at Hogwarts. You were even more annoyed when she told your class that using spells in DADA was unnecessary.

"Hey Y/n! You coming to study with us tonight?" Harry asked you as you were making your way to Ancient Runes.

"Sure thing! I'll meet you there!" You say cheerily as you walk into the classroom.

What Harry really meant is the first DA meeting was tonight and you couldn't tell anyone about it. Not even Draco he would be pissed.

Draco was part of the Inquisitorial Squad and his job was to make sure there were no group meetings going on or any sort of suspicious behaviour.

You had to be careful when you needed to go to the meeting so when it was time you simply said you were going to see Hermione and left for the Room of Requirement.


It has been a few months now and Umbridge's squad hasn't noticed a thing.

Draco was a bit suspicious on where you were going but you reassured him that you were studying with Hermione in the Gryffindor common room.

"Great work everyone!" Harry said smiling at everyone.

Suddenly the room started to shake and the wall collapsed. You saw Cho Chang and the Squad there.

You tried to hide in the crowd but Draco saw you straight away.

He looked disappointed.


"Y/n what were you thinking! You could of gotten yourself expelled." Draco shouts at you.

You two were both in a corridor alone. It was dark and you were beyond pissed and so was he.

"Well I wanted to learn ACTUAL spells Draco, Umbitch is teaching us pure shit that we already know." You say with an angry tone.

"Yeah but at least I don't go sneaking off at night and LYING TO ME! I'm your boyfriend, Y/n. We are supposed to be a team."

You look away, not in the mood to look him in the eyes.

"Do you even love me anymore?" You ask. Your voice cracking slightly.

"I don't even know anymore. I don't trust you."

Draco simply turns and leaves. You break down into a fit of tears.

You lost him. He doesn't even want to talk to you. He doesn't trust you.


The next few days were hard. You had detention with Umbridge and you had a scar on your hand. It was painful but you survived.

Most of the Slytherins hated you now and called you a 'blood traitor' and 'a disgrace to the Slytherin house' so you often slept in the Gryffindor common room or in this case just lied there.

You missed Draco but he was too occupied with Pansy to take any interest in you.

You felt betrayed. But then again you betrayed his trust.

Another week went by and the names were getting worse. You were called a 'whore' if you were simply walking to class and you'd get notes from Slytherin students which were really mean and annoying.

Of course Draco took no notice and was still occupied with Pug face.

Draco on the other hand felt guilty and he missed you. He felt bad that you were getting all the blame from Slytherin students and he felt really bad. He missed you a lot and he was sad that you two fought. He still loved you.

You missed Draco a lot too. You still loved him. Soon enough you stopped eating as much and sleeping. You hardly came out the Gryffindor common room and it wasn't even your common room. Hermione and Ginny were very supportive and would often bring you snacks from the kitchens since you didn't really want to eat in the Great Hall.


"I'm going for a walk." You simply say. You shrug on a jacket and walk to the door.

"But it's past curfew!" Hermione says.

"It's fine I won't get caught." You smile and leave.

As you walk down the deserted corridors, trying not to get caught by any prefects.

You wondered how Draco was doing. Was he ok? But you soon forgot about him when you got to the Astronomy tower and saw how pretty the stars were.

You didn't know how long you were up there until you heard footsteps.

"Didn't think you'd be up here."

You turn around to see Draco standing there. You quickly look at him then turn back around to hide your teary eyes.

He leans against the railing next to you and looks at the stars.

"What I said two weeks ago wasn't true. I was just mad that you didn't tell me. I know why you didn't tell me because you knew I would disapprove. I shouldn't of said anything and I'm sorry."

You just look at him with tears running down your face.

"Come here." he says opening his arms. You instantly wrap your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry Draco." you say looking up at him.

"It's okay baby." he smiles kissing your lips. You instantly kiss him back.

"I missed you." you laugh

"I missed you too love."

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