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(Update: I actually panicked that I spelt 'broken' wrong lmao I had to search it up just now and now I feel like an idiot)


"Oi move out the way L/n." Malfoy says pushing you out the way and onto the floor. You fall over from the impact of the push and sigh.

You had always had a bit of a crush on Draco and he was always mean to you and you never understood why.

"You alright Y/n?"

You turn around to see Hermione and Harry standing before you.

You nod and stand up. You sling your bag on your shoulder before walking to class with the two.

"Where is Ron?" You ask.

"I don't know we couldn't find him, he's probably making out with that annoying girl." Hermione says rolling her eyes.

You giggle.


After hanging out with the trio in the common room after dinner, you found Ron in the great hall, you decided that you were going to sleep.

"Alright guys! I'm gonna sleep! Goodnight." You smile and head to the Slytherin common room.

After sleeping for a couple hours, you couldn't sleep anymore. You decided to go for a wonder in the corridors.

You heard someone crying in the bathroom, you were curious to see who it was. You open the door quietly to see Draco crying and leaning on a wall. His back was facing you so you couldn't see his face.


He turns around quickly to see you there. In your pajamas and your dressing gown. He wipes his tears. Then he did something that you didn't think he would do. He hugged you tightly.

You tensed up and hesitated at first but then you slowly put you arms around him.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"I-it's just everything. Everything is wrong! I'm broken and messed up!" He says.

You sigh and hesitantly run your hands through his hair.

"It's okay, I'm here for you." You smile.

"But why though? I'm mean to you everyday! I've bullied you for years! Why would you be here for me?"

"B-because D-Draco, I like you." You sigh.

"What do you mean?" He says. You tear up.

"I like you, l-like a c-crush- you know what I'm sorry! Goodnight Draco." You say letting go of him and walking away.

He freezes up for a bit before realising what you said. He grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into his chest.

You blush madly and look down. He smiles at your flustered state and lifts your chin up.

"I like you too Y/n." He smiles. He looks down at your lips and you hesitantly lean in to kiss him. He kisses back.

This was two weeks ago and none of your friends knew.

Draco eventually told you about him being a death eater.

To keep you and Draco dating a secret, you would often go to the room or requirement with him and help him even if you weren't on the dark lord's side, you knew Draco was forced to be a death eater.

It was almost the end of the day. You were in your final class with Harry. Charms to be exact.

"Alright class, the homework is due by the end of the week! You may pack your things and enjoy your evening."

You collect your things and make your way out of the classroom and down the hall with Harry.

"Hey Harry? I need to go somewhere, I'll see you later." You smile at him. He nods and watches you walk down the hall.

Harry was suspicious of you and decided to follow you.

He watched you go through the room of requirement and frowned.

He waited a couple of minutes before entering himself.

"Draco!" You smile and hug him. Draco smiles at kisses you on the head.

Harry was jealous and annoyed that you didn't tell him or the others.

"Seriously? You've been seeing him behind our backs?"

You jump away from Draco to see Harry standing there with his wand out, pointing it at Draco.

"Why do you care? You can't control who I'm dating." You snap.

"But why him out of all people?"

"Because I've liked Draco since our second year and I couldn't tell you because you'd get like this! You never understood what it was like because your the chosen one! Some people are different and I can like who I like! It's not your job to go monitor my dating life." You say and drag Draco out the room of requirement.

"Thanks for defending me back there." Draco says as you two stop in an abandoned corridor.

"No problem, your my boyfriend why wouldn't I?" You smile.

He smiles back at you and takes your hand so you can go back to the common room to cuddle.


[This imagine isn't proof read so I'm sorry for the mistakes]

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