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Sorry this chapter is out late

I didn't know what to call this chapter and I rushed it so I'm very sorry.

I'll try update next week..i have a lot of tests coming up so I need to revise for them <3


"Y/n? Love wake up..Scorp is crying." Draco says.

You open your eyes and yawn.

"Why can't you go and see him?" You ask.

"I did it last time babe." He says and buried is face into the pillow.

You sigh and look at the clock on the wall. It's 6am.

You were happy it wasn't in the middle of the night.

You get up and go to Scorpius's room next door.

You see your baby boy on his back crying.

You pick him up and cradle him.

"It's okay baby..mummy's here." You whisper to your baby.

He stops crying and looks up at you.

"You want something to eat? Lets go downstairs and do you some milk honey." You say to your baby and head downstairs.

You sit him down on the sofa in the living room and give him a toy to play with that was on the floor. Then you go to the kitchen to make him some milk.

You see your son giggling with the toy in his hands. You smile.

You hear someone come down the stairs.

It's your husband Draco.

He kisses your forehead and sits next to his son. He lifts him up and puts him on his lap.

Scorpius giggles and claps his hands. Draco laughs and tickles his tummy.

You laugh slightly and go back to making his milk.

You give the bottle of warm milk to your husband who smiles at you before giving it to the baby.

You sit down next to them and smile.

You were so happy that your life turned out to be like this.

You were thankful you had a loving husband and a beautiful baby.

In your eyes everything was perfect and you wanted life to stay like this forever.

"I love you both." You say smiling at the two of them.

Draco puts the bottle down and leans over to kiss you.

You smile and take the baby in your arms as Draco pulls you close to him.

"I love you too. Both of you." He says looking down and holding the baby's hand.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now