Your just jealous! pt.2

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Thank you to the people who sent/commented me some ideas! I'll try and get most of them done because I'm also working on a Draco x reader book that I'm about to publish hopefully today or tomorrow ❤️


It's been months since you confessed your attraction to Draco and it's been one of the best things that has happened!

Draco was the best boyfriend and he treated you like a queen.

You still hung out with the golden trio but Harry wouldn't really speak to you anymore since you chose Draco.

Little did you know Harry still liked you and wanted to steal you off Draco so he could have you for himself.

You were currently sat with Draco at the lake and you two were enjoying time with one another.

"Harry! You should interrupt them! They are happy together! Can't you see?" Hermione says, referring to you two. Ron nods.

Harry huffs.

"I'm still going over there! Draco doesn't deserve Y/n!" Harry says stomping over to where you and Draco had now stood up and were hugging each other.

"Malfoy! Get your slimy hands off Y/n!" Harry shouts.

"Why Potter? Y/n is my girlfriend!" Draco sneers.

Your confused. Why is Harry annoyed about me and Draco?

"Harry!" You say pushing him off Draco.

"Why are you so annoyed at Draco?" You ask. Now Hermione and Ron are near the scene in shock.

"Because Y/n, he doesn't deserve you! I deserve you! I'm better then Malfoy will ever be! I can treat you better than that ferret!" He screams.

You slap Harry about the face and take Draco's hand, leading him away from the trio.

You walk down an empty corridor befitting hugging Draco.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that, Harry confessed that he liked me a couple months ago but I liked you instead." You blush.

Draco smiles and kisses your head.

"Thank you love." He smiles.

"For what?" You ask.

"For being there for me at the darkest times and making me smile." He says.

You smile and kiss him.

"Your welcome Draco!" You smile and you both walk off to find somewhere away from everyone to relax.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now