She likes him too

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"Y/n Granger! Pay attention!" Snaps shouts.

You look up and nod before putting your sketchbook away and paying attention to potions.

You were Hermione Granger's twin sister. You weren't identical though, you both were completely different to each other but you were both in the same house.

"There is an upcoming test! It's going to be written. Your homework is to study for the test. If you get below the standard grade in this class, you will redo the test in detention until you get a good grade."

Everyone sighs and gets up to get out the the class room.

You sigh and quickly make your way over to Hermione and you both walk out with Harry and Ron trailing behind you.

"So are you going to study for the test?" Hermione asks.

"Probably." You shrug. She nods.

"Oi oi, it's the Mudblood twins!" You hear that same annoying but attractive voice shout.

You turn your head to see Malfoy push his way through the crowd with his Slytherin gang. You frown slightly.

Hermione turns around and blushes at the sight of Draco.

You look at her and your eyes widen. Hermione likes Malfoy!

You tug Hermione and lead her quickly to the common room, so you both don't get annoyed by Ferret boy and so you can confront her.

You shut your dorm door behind you. Hermione was confused.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" She asks.

"Hermione? I've noticed something over the past couple of days. Do you have a crush on someone?" You ask smirking.

Hermione blushes.

"N-no I don't have a crush on anyone!" She says, not making eye contact with you.

"Sis...I know when you like someone! Please tell me who it is!!" You say and sit next to her on your bed.

"Okay but you promise not to tell anyone or get mad." She says seriously. You nod.

"Okay w-well you see. I have a bit of a crush on Malfoy." She says. You smirk.

"I knew it!" You say and jump around the room. Hermione giggles and pulls you back down onto the bed.

"Don't tell anyone ok? It's only a slight crush." She smiles. You nod.

Y/n felt so guilty. She had a slight crush on Draco too but she wasn't going to do anything about it because her sister deserved much more.

Little did Y/n know that was about to change.

Y/n was walking back from the library, studying for the upcoming potions test when she saw a figure walking down the corridor.

She thought it was a prefect and kept her head down, hoping they would mistake her for another prefect.

"Hey! What are you doing up?"

Y/n looks up to she Draco.

He widens her eyes and clutches her books tightly.

"I was studying in the library, I didn't realise the time." She simply says.

"Alright, I'll let you off." He says and offers to take you back to your common room.

(Draco knows it's Y/n so he's acting friendly towards her, if it was someone else, he'd probably be really mean to them)

"Thanks Draco." You say and wait for him to go so you can say the password.

"No problem." He says. He turns around but then stops. You look at him confused before he turns around.

"U-um would you like to go out sometime?" He asks, scratching his neck.

You smile slightly and nod. He smiles and walks off.

Over the next couple weeks, you and Draco became very close. He would take you out on dates and help you with your homework.

You two would cuddle in the room of requirement and talk about your future together.

You forgot about Hermione's crush on Draco and you didn't realise that one day, Hermione would find out about you two dating.

You and Draco were sat by the black lake, laughing and cuddling.

The golden Trio was going to the lake go study, Hermione was going to study, Ron and Harry were just going to mess around the whole time.

"Guys! Look! Is that Y/n....and whose that?" Ron asks.

"I think that's Malfoy...WHY IS SHE HANGING OUT WITH MALFOY....AND KISSING HIM?" Harry shrieks.

Hermione frowns.

"Guys I think I'm gonna go back to the common room." Hermione says and walks back to the common room.

Harry and Ron look at each other and walk back with her.

"Y/n? Isn't that Potter and the trio?" Malfoy says, pointing to the three of them that were walking.

Y/n looks at them before her eyes widen.

"Shit! I've got to go Draco! I'll see you later!" Y/n says and kisses Draco on the lips quickly before grabbing her bag and running after the trio.

Draco chuckles before walking back after.

Once you get back to the common room, you see Ron and Harry but not Hermione.

"Have you guys seen Hermione?" You ask out of breathe.

Ron points up to the dorms and you quickly thank them before going up to your shared dorm.

You open the door quietly and place your bag down on the floor.

You see Hermione at her desk, scribbling away.

"Hey Hermione." You say.

Hermione doesn't look up from her notes.

"Y/n. You should of told me you and Draco were dating!" Hermione says, frowning.

"I know! I'm so sorry Hermione. I know you liked him a lot." You say looking down. Tears threatening to fall down your face.

"It's okay Y/n." Hermione says, sitting next to you and pulling you into a hug.

"Besides. Who said I had a crush on Draco now?" She says, smiling.

You look up at her and gasp.

"Who do you like now!" You say.

"Well um I kinda like Ron." She says blushing.

You squeal.

"I know you wouldn't want to tell me straight away about you relationship so I understand why you kept it a secret." She says.

"Thanks Hermione." You smile. She smiles back.


The ending is kinda bad, I'm sorry guys 💗

[Not proofread]

I actually can't be asked to proof read I get lazy oof-

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