I'm sorry pt.2

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As soon as your shift ended, you walk down the street to your apartment. You open your door to your spend take your shoes off, the door shutting behind you.

"I can't believe I saw Draco today...but he's moved on. It's time I should too.." You sigh taking out some ingredients from the cupboard to make something to eat.


It's been 2 months since you last saw Draco and you have become friends with Elliot Davis. He is American. You two are colleges and the whole team think you would be the cutest couple.

"Y/n? You almost ready to leave?" Elliot asks. While putting away his apron and getting his bag.

"Yeah, just coming!" You smile, getting your bag too. "Let's go Elliot."

As you walk out the shop, you see a tall blonde. He is holding flowers, roses to be exact. "Elliot..you go home..I need to go shopping for lady products." You say, blushing at that certain subject.

"Sure, send an owl when your home. Bye." He smiles kissing your cheek and vanishing. You walk over to the platinum blonde.

"Hello Draco." You say. He turns around smiling. "Y/n, how are you?" He smiles "I got these roses for you." He says handing you the flowers you love.

"Thanks..Draco, they are lovely." You smile up at him.

"I'm so sorry I left you two years ago..I thought you were........dead." Draco looks away, clearing wanting to avoid the topic.

"It's fine Draco, would you like to come back to my apartment for a bit..you know to catch up?" You ask.

"Sure." He smiles. You walk back to your apartment with Draco. "Here is my home..it's not the greatest thing you've ever seen but it's home." You say.

"It's really cozy, at the manor it's still gloomy since father is still in Azkaban." Draco silently sits down on your sofa while you make something to drink. "Tea? It's a muggle drink." You smile to Draco as your taking a cup out of the cupboard. "Sure, why not." He smiles back.

You start making the tea. "So what have you been doing for the past two years?" You ask. "I've been traveling a lot, I have been trying to get a job in the ministry of magic. I'm still waiting to get approved because of what I was." Draco looks down. "Draco don't be ashamed. It wasn't your fault." You smile weakly, handing the mug of hot tea to Draco.

"Y/n...the reason I wanted to see you again was...well...I want you back..it's ok if you don't want me ba-" you kissed Draco right on the lips. "Does that answer your question?" You ask giggling. "Very much." He smiles , bringing you into a kiss again and wrapping his arms around you.


"I'm gonna miss you Mum." Your only son Scorpius says hugging you. "I'm gonna miss you too sweetie, don't forget to write to your father and I." You smile.

"Hey buddy!" Draco smiles down at his son with pride. "Don't worry, you'll make lots of new friends." Hugging his son. The trains signals its time to go. "Bye mum and dad!" Scorpius waves going onto the train.

You and your husband got married in 2001, five years later you were blessed with your adorable son. Scorpius Malfoy. "Don't worry, we are all gonna miss him darling." Draco smiles down at you, putting an arm around your waist. "Yeah, I can't wait to get his first letter to tell us what house he is in." You laugh. "Yeah, I can't wait." He smiles, kissing your temple.


I'm back yee yee 😅💚

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