wake up!

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I really want Draco to be my boyfriend. He's such a cutie 🥺🥺



"Babe wake up."


You'd been dating Draco for around 6 months now and ever morning you'd had to get Draco out of bed because he was one lazy git.

"Five more minutes love." Draco murmurs and rolls over so he's facing away from you. You giggle and sit on the bed.

"Dracoooo you promised today was they day we would spend the day together in Hogsmeade." You whine.

"Fine I'll get up but when we come back I want to cuddle." He says slowly getting up.


"Dray can we get butterbeer?" You ask him as your walking hand in hand down the street in Hogsmeade.

"Sure, love." He smiles kissing your head and leading you to get butterbeer.

You sit down in an empty booth and wait for Draco to come back with two butterbeers. You can't help but think how lucky you are to have Draco as your boyfriend.

"Babe here is your butterbeer." You hear Draco day and you look up to see him putting down your butterbeer on the table. You thank him and take a sip.

You two talk for an hour before you both decide you want to go back to Draco's dorm and cuddle.

As you get back to Draco's dorm you instantly take your coat and shoes off an flop on his king size bed.

Yes, Draco had his own dorm to himself and you spent most nights in his bed.

"You already tired Y/n?" Draco says. You can tell he's smirking.

"I'm always tired now come here and cuddle meee." You whine. He laughs and lies down to cuddle.

You put your head on his chest as he wraps his arms around you and kissing your head.

It was moments like this that made you feel safe and loved.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now