I'll take care of you

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Warning: Just some swearing heh


"Fuck sake." You said groaning, clutching your stomach. You had just gotten your period and your cramps had hit you like a bus.

You were still in bed and all the girls in your dorm had gone down to class.

You decided to skip school because of your period.

Suddenly you hear a knock on the door.


The door opens and your boyfriend Draco Malfoy comes into the room.

"How did you get up here?" You ask.

"Pansy let me in." He says.

Another wave of cramps hit you again. You groaned and rolled over onto your side.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"My best friend Mother Nature has decided to pay me a lovely visit this month to tell me I'm not pregnant." You say.

Draco laughs.

"It's okay baby, I'll take care of you today." He smiles, rubbing your back lovingly.

"How about a bath? We can use the prefect ones since I'm a prefect after all!" He says.

You nod and go to change out of your pjs and into your school uniform so it wouldn't look like you were skipping lessons.

"Okay I'm ready! let's go to the prefect bathrooms." You smile and Draco takes your hand, leading you out the common room and down to the prefects bathroom.

He uses the password to get through and he locks the door after you.

You turn around to see a huge bath with lots of taps and bubbles everywhere.

Draco comes behind you and wraps his arms around you.

"You like it?" He asks.

"Of course, the bath looks so cool!" You exclaim.

Soon enough your both undressed and Draco gets in first and helps you in. You sit down in front of him so you can lean your back on his chest and he puts his arms around you again.

"This is peaceful." You sigh.

"Mhm, this is so much better than class." He says, glimpsing at your body.

"Is that supposed to come off as a perverted comment?"

"No but I do enjoy the view your giving me though." He smirks. You pout and shake your head.

"After this can we cuddle?" You ask.

"Sure thing baby." He smiles down at you. You smile back and lean up to peck his lips.


After you both get out and get changed and you both make your way to his dorm since he promised to cuddle.

Once you get to his dorm you immediately flop onto his bed. He laughs.

"I'll be right back baby, I'm gonna go get some things for you." He smiles and closes the door.

Ten minutes later he comes back and finds you on his bed almost asleep.

"Y/nnn! Wake up!" He whispers. You open your eyes to see Draco with a bag.

"What's that you got babe?" You ask him.

"Well since your on your period, I got you some snacks and some more pads." He says. You giggle and hug him.

"Thank you Dray!" You say.

"No problem love."

"Where did you get the pads from?" You ask.

"I stole some from the hospital wing." He says sheepishly. You giggle.

"Wow, well done for not getting caught I guess. Now give me cuddles!" You say flopping down onto his bed again.

"Your very bossy today." He smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to his chest so your back is touching his chest.

"Thank you for making my day not as shitty as it intended to be." You say, smiling.

"No problem love, I'm always here to make your day better."

"Awww thanks I love you."

"I love you too."

You both fall asleep on his bed and Draco's friends weren't surprised when they came back after classes.

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