Potion partners pt.1

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"Crap,crap! I'm late!" You say running down to the dungeons. You were currently late for potions since you were kept behind on being congratulated for your essay in Charms.

You silently slip into potions and sit next to your best friend f/n. "Miss L/N, we were wondering when you were gonna arrive. 10 points off H/N. H/N groans. "Silence!" Professor Snape snaps.

"Now we can start, I am assigning you partners for the term." You groan, silently while your best friend laughs silently.

Professor Snape assigns the partners, most of the class looking depressed. " F/N F/L with Seamus Finnigan." You smirk because F/N had a crush on Seamus and you found it cute.

"Y/N L/N and Draco Malfoy." Snape says. You groaned. This day could not get any worse you think. You move you're things to the Slytherin side of the room and sit next to Malfoy. He smirks at you then looks towards Snape.

"You will be creating The Draught of Peace. It is a very hard potion. You must follow the instructions or it will go wrong! If you fail, you will have to do an essay on what you did wrong. On top of that another essay on the review on the potion itself."

Everyone groans. "Silence! You have the rest of this lesson. Get started." Snape says in his monotone voice and walks away into his office.

"So Malfoy, you get the Caldron set up, I'll get the ingredients." You say sternly and walk away from a smirking Malfoy to get the ingredients.

"Absolutely excellent Miss L/N and Mr Malfoy, you may leave." Snape says, magically cleaning up your potion.

"Oi, L/N. You're not as bad as I thought you were at potions. D-do you maybe wanna do the essay together?" Malfoy says, slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking out the class with you down the hall. You smile. "Sure, Malfoy! You're not as bad as I thought." You say looking up at the platinum haired boy.


It was Sunday, just after Lunch and you were supposed to meet Malfoy in the library. So you excused yourself from F/N and headed down to the library. Once you got there. You waited and waited. Eventually you gave up and walked out of the library and back to the dorms.

As you were walking you saw Harry Potter run towards you. "Hey Y/N! Have you done the Potions homework yet?" He asks smiling at you. "No, not yet. Malfoy ditched me to probably go beat up some 1st year again." You say, rolling you eyes. "Do you maybe wanna go do it together?" He says blushing. "Sure thing!" You say smiling.

You both walk to the Library and sit down to start the essay. While you were writing you keep catching Harry looking at you and looks away when you look at him.

"Thanks Y/N for helping me with the homework, I don't think I would of got it completed without you." He says walking out the library with you. "No problem! See you around Harry." You smile walking the opposite way back to your dorm.

As you turn the corner your back is slammed against the wall. You close your eyes in fear the open them to see it's no other than Draco Malfoy himself. "Why were you doing the essay with Potter? I waited for you." He spits.

"You waited?" You scoff. "I waited for around 30 minutes Malfoy and you didn't show up. Harry asked me to work with him so I did." You say looking away from him.

He pulls away and looks away from you to the floor, thinking. Then out of no where he presses his lips to yours for a quick kiss. You hesitate then kiss back. He breaks the kiss, looks at you and sighs. Then walks away.

You stand there completely shocked at the action. You come back to reality. Pick up your things and walk slowly back to your common room.


Cliff hanger lol.
I mean I tried ok, I'm shit at writing. I'll post part 2 as soon as I can 🤩

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