Nightime walks

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After the war you married to your school boyfriend Draco Malfoy. You both moved in with each other into a cottage overlooking the sea.

You both loved to walk hand in hand on the sand each night. But after he kept coming home later and later to the point that you gave up and didn't question it since he always replied with 'working late.'

It was currently 5pm, the time Draco would usually come home. You making dinner as you usually do. You come home from work earlier than Draco so it gives you time to make dinner.

You eat your dinner and put Draco's plate back in the oven to keep warm. As you walk out the kitchen you see a familiar face on the sofa reading through files.

"Oh I thought you weren't coming home for another couple of hours." You say leaning over Draco looking at his paperwork.

"I had stuff to do." He mumbles not looking up from his papers. Draco hadn't been as affectionate as he once was. He never cuddles you while you're both asleep and hardly kisses you goodbye when he is going to work.

You walk to the kitchen and get his plate out then place it on the coffee table in front of him. "There you go." You say not wanting to dwell up any more conversation and walking upstairs to read a book.

A few hours later, you decide to check on Draco who was probably watching tv or doing more work downstairs. You walk down the stairs to see Draco not sitting at the sofa but in the kitchen at the table. Drinking.

"So this is what you have been doing behind my back, going out with your mates to go drinking and fuck some other girl?" You say to him raising your voice at the drunk man.

"No baby I-"

"Don't baby me, you haven't called me that for months let alone give me any attention anymore." You say taking the beer bottle and smashing it on the floor.

"You bit-"

You cut him off my gasping. Tears forming in your eyes you run out the room get a coat and run out the door. While you were doing that you heard him shouting "Love, I'm sorry, please don't leave, I'm sorry, I love you!" He pleaded. Lies you thought.

Too tired to apperate, you run to the beach near your home where you collapse right near the sea and start to sob.

He's such an arrogant bastard. This is why he was so closed off. It's just like in 6th year, but that was for a better cause because he actually had a reason you thought.

You kept crying for what seemed hours when someone put their arms around you. You instantly pull out of their embrace and back away to find it being no other than Draco himself.

He had tears running down his face, your first reaction was shocked but quickly hid that by bursting into tears again.

He saw you crying again and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest for comfort. He whispered things like "I'm so sorry love." Or "I'm sorry I pushed you away."

"Draco? Why did you start to go drinking?" You ask looking into his grey orbs. He took a deep breath and looked down at you.

"Because I felt that I wasn't good enough for you and we're gonna leave me for someone that deserves you more than me, a real man who doesn't treat his wife like scum and loves her more than I do but it's wrong, no man can love you more than me, I'm so sorry baby, you probably don't forg-"

You cut him off by smashing your lips into his. He placed his hands on your waist. Brushing up and down your sides which always made you blush. You wrap your arms around his neck, playing with the hairs which makes him shiver. You smirk and pull away, resting your head on his chest.

"It's ok, babe, I forgive you, I'm sorry for shouting at you. Just remember I'll never go off and find another guy because I'm yours, and yours only." You smile brushing a finger up and down the middle of his chest that makes him smile down at you.

"How about we go for a walk on the beach then we can cuddle and read a book together? How does that sound?" He asks kissing you on the lips.

You pull away, smiling. "That would be perfect Mr.Malfoy." You smirk.

"Lead the way, Mrs.Malfoy." He smirks at you back, taking your hand and walking into the sunset.


That actually turned out better than expected :)

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