Quidditch Lovers

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This imagine was requested by evangelineesther45 <3

M/n = Mother's name
N/n = Nickname


You and Draco had been best friends before Hogwarts even started. You two grew up together since your mother and Draco's mother Narcissa were best friends since they were at Hogwarts. You two were inseparable. You both had a love for quidditch so when you tried out for the team in your third year, Draco was happy you were the first girl on the Slytherin team in a long time.

It was your fourth year at Hogwarts now and you were waiting at the train station with your mother for Draco and his parents. You may be wondering, where is my father. He died when I was young, when Voldemort was quite powerful. He died saving my mother and I.



Your mother pulled Draco's mum in for a hug then told you to go onto the train so you wouldn't be late.

"So who you do think is gonna win this years game Slytherin versus Gryffindor Dray?" You ask smirking.

"Seriously N/n obviously Slytherin!" He says pushing you into an empty cart. You giggle. Oh what a fun year it was going to be.


Currently you were getting ready for Quidditch practice, your first practice with the team. You were super nervous.

You grab your broom and make your way to the pitch. You see Draco and the Slytherin team all standing there waiting to begin.

"Today we are going to do a practice game! Y/n, Crabbe and Blaise your on my team. The rest are on the other team! Let's go!" Draco shouts.

You mount your broom and get ready to play. You were a chaser so when the game began you zoomed for the Quaffle and threw it towards the hoops. You scored! You smiled and the game carried on.

In the end Draco's team won which was good.


You turn around to see Draco running towards you.

"Yes Dray?" You ask.

"Can we fly around for a couple more minutes?" He asks.

"Sure Dray, I don't see why not." You say mounting your broom.

You mount into the air, Draco does the same and before you know it, you two are flying around laughing and having fun.

you slowly make your way down the ground. You get off your broom and smile at Draco.

"That was fun!" You smile, hugging Draco.

"Yeah, Y/n I wanna tell you something.." he says letting go of you and brushing his hair with his hand.

"What is it Dray?" You ask.

"I like you..no I love you..I always have since we were kids it's okay if you don't like me ba-."

Draco was cut off by your lips smashing against his.

He wraps his arms around you waist as your hands go to his hair.

You break the kiss and place your forehead on his.

"I've loved you since we were kids too." you blush and smile.

A few years after graduation and the war, everyone knew you as Y/n Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's childhood crush.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now