Destiny pt.2

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[Not Edited]
Sorry for the mistakes :)


Three years later..

You sigh.

It's a Friday. Class would be over soon. Just a couple more minutes and then you could be in your dorm reading.

You were a Slytherin. You didn't know why you were put in Slytherin. Most people thought that the sorting hat chose wrong and that your a Ravenclaw. That wasn't really the case though.

You didn't really have any friends in Slytherin. You were known as the quiet Slytherin.

You knew who your soulmate was. It was the boy that was put into the same house as you almost instantly.

You were friends but you were certain that he had another soulmate.

You see some people can have each other as soulmates or one person can have another soulmate. Leaving the other person alone for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes fate can change and the person tattooed onto your arm can change again.

You didn't know what was going to happen. Maybe you would stay alone forever or maybe your soulmate would come to their senses.


Draco's POV.

I had her. The quiet girl in Slytherin. I knew her name. I was friends with her to say the least.

I have never bullied her. I never will. It might scare her off. I mean I probably have scared her off. She's so shy and innocent. A little bean like her surely isn't interested in me..right?

I wanna tell her so bad. I want people to know she's mine and no one else's. I've just been afraid.

Afraid that she will get bullied or my father won't approve.

But it doesn't matter anymore. She's my soulmate.


Your POV.

Finally! End of class! I quickly pack up my things and rush out of there.

It had been a long day. My feet hurt and I was tired but at least I get the weekend off.

"Hey! Y/n!" You stop walking and turn around to see...Draco?!

"U-uh I- um h-hi Draco." You say. Looking down and playing with the end of your skirt.

Draco smiles at how shy you are around him.

"No need to be shy with me Y/n. We're friends remember?" He says, putting his hands on your shoulders.

You nod and look up.

"Y-yeah!" You say.

"Look Y/n. I'm your soulmate. Your name has been written on my arm since first year. I've just b-been to scared to tell you." Draco admits, now acting shy and rubbing the back of his neck.

You blush and look down at your wrist. You didn't think he would have your name on his wrist.

"R-really? M-y name I- mean your name is on my wrist too." You say.

Draco smiles and pulls you into a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was worried you would reject me because you didn't have me as your soulmate.

He says, playing with your hair.

Y/n smiles.

"I'm happy your my soulmate."

"So am I. My innocent bean."

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