I would take a hit for you anyday

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I really liked writing this imagine so um I hope you enjoy reading it!


You and Draco had been dating for around a year now and it had been the best year of your life. You loved spending every minute with Draco.

Your were both in your sixth year now and things were quite different. You and Draco had both matured and you feared the dark lord was coming back.

On the other hand Draco was much more quieter and he looked a lot paler.

"You go on ahead Y/n, I need to check something." Draco says and kisses your head slightly. You nod before walking out the train.

When you go to Hogwarts, you sat at the Slytherin table next to Blaise and Pansy.

"Hey Y/n, where is Draco?" Blaise asks. You shrug.

"He said he needed to check something, he will be back in a minute." You smile slightly and start to eat the pudding that was in front of you but you saved some for Draco since you knew dinner would be over soon.

Draco came in minutes later, he had his uniform on now and quietly sat next to you.

"I saved you some of my desert." You say to him. He mumbles he's not hungry.

"Draco, I know you are. Just eat this." You say sternly.

"I said I'm not hungry!" He snaps. You were shocked and turned away from Draco.

You saw Harry come in with a bloody nose and a tissue in his hand.

"Do not tell me you fought with Harry." You say to Draco crossing your arms.

He sighs and nods. You frown before getting up to go to the common room since you were annoyed with Draco.

After everyone had gone to sleep, you stayed up reading a book. You weren't really that tired.

Suddenly Draco came through the door. You hadn't seen him since dinner and you were still kind of annoyed at him.

"Y/n? Why are you still up?" He asks sitting next to you. You frown and face away from him to tell him your still mad.

He chuckles and grabs your waist and sits you on his lap.

"I'm sorry baby, I've just been real stressed lately." He says, wrapping his arms around you waist.

"It's okay." You smile slightly.

"Let's go to bed." He says and takes your hand, leading you to his dorm.

Once you were in his dorm, he hands you his shirt that was kinda oversized on you so you could sleep in something that was not your uniform.

You take the top and quickly change and get into Draco's bed. A couple of minutes later you felt Draco get into the bed behind you.

He kisses your shoulder slightly and wraps his arm around your waist.

"I love you Y/n, don't ever forget that." He says.

You were too sleepy to reply, you hear him chuckle before you heard his breathing slow down and that's when you fell asleep too.

A couple of weeks later, Draco became more distant and grumpy again. You knew he was stressed out about something and he wouldn't tell you why. Every time you asked, he would completely change the subject.

One day you decided to follow him. You were sat in the great hall, eating. You saw Draco walk in and he was looking at Harry. You frown.

You knew saw Draco walk out the hall followed by Harry. You quickly excuse yourself from your friends before following them both.

You followed them down the hall and into the boys bathroom.

You heard them fighting and you went into the bathroom to stop them.

That's when you saw Harry say a spell and it almost hit Draco. Instead you took the hit and fell down to the floor.

It became blurry and you were struggling to keep your eyes open.

You felt Draco beside you and you faintly heard him crying and holding your hand.

"P-please don't leave me Y/n! Your all I have! I love you with everything I have. Just don't leave me." He cries.

You were in too much pain to respond and that's when you saw Snape come in and you shut your eyes and let the darkness take over you.

You slowly woke up to someone sobbing. You slowly open your eyes you see Draco with his head down, sobbing.

"D-Draco?" You ask, sitting up.

"Y-y/n?" He says, sitting up and wiping his eyes.

"Draco!" You smile and lean over to hug him. He laughs and smiles and hugs you back.

"Are you alright? Do I need to get someone to help? Why did you take the hit for me!" He says.

You blush.

"Because Draco. I love you and I didn't want you to get hurt. I knew how much you were suffering and I didn't want you to suffer more." You say.

He smiles and kisses you.

"Thank you Y/n."

"Anytime babe."

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