Better than him

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Hello, updates are going to be pretty slow from now on, sorry guys ❤️

(I got a shit ton of hw)


"Y/n? You can clearly see he's cheating on you!" Pansy says, pointing at Ron.

You sigh and play with your food.

The past couple of days, Ron wouldn't speak to you as much or give you affection, he would always hang out with Hermione and somewhat flirt with her.

"You should dump him." Astoria says, sitting next to you.

You sigh and look up.

"I love him though."

"I agree with Astoria for once, you should dump him, he's a twat." Draco says, coming to sit next to you.

Draco was your best friend. What you didn't know is that he also had a crush on you.

"I don't know Draco, I love him. Maybe he is just...I don't know...becoming more close to her like in a friendly way." You sigh.

Draco frowns and grab's Y/n's shoulders.

"Can't you see? He doesn't love you anymoreY/n!" Draco snaps.

Y/n jump and stands up.

"Thanks a lot Draco." You say before heading off to your dorm.

A couple hours later, you were reading a book and someone knocks on your dorm door.

"Come in!" You say and put your book down.

You see Draco open the door and you awkwardly smile at him.

"Hey Y/n." He says, sitting down next to you.

"Hi Draco." You say looking down.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?"


You and Draco were now walking down the corridor at night. There was hardly anyone around.

"Hey Y/n? I'm sorry about what I said earlier." Draco says.

You sigh and smile up at him.

"It's okay Draco. Your forgiven but your still an asshole!" You smile.

He laughs. You both turn the corner and see two people at the end of the corridor.

"Hey? Isn't that-,"

You hear someone say that before someone shushes them and they hide behind somewhere.

"Draco? I think someone is down there." You say, tugging on his arm.

He nods and you both walk down the corridor to shout at the people.

Draco turns the corner and gasps. You look in front of you to see Ron all over Lavender.

You shriek.

Ron jumps and turns around.

"I knew it!" Draco says.

Your face goes from shocked to unsurprised in seconds.

"I knew you were cheating on me Ron but seriously this bitch? You could of done better Ron." You say crossing your arms.

"If you knew I was cheating on you, why didn't you break up with me?" He asks dumbfounded.

"Because what would be the fun in doing this." You say and smack his cheek hard with your hand.

He groans and holds his cheek in pain.

Lavender shrieks and goes to slap Y/n before Draco stands in the way and holds her wrist tightly.

"Oi don't you dare lay a hand on her you piece of shit! Now go back to your man whore why don't you." Draco sneers.

Lavender gasps before helping Ron up and they both quickly walk away.

Y/n looks up and Draco and hugs him.

"Thank you, Draco." You smile.

He laughs.

"No problem Y/n."


(I might do a part 2...who knows!!)

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