Marry me?

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This is a really bad imagine, I'm sorry.


It had been 3 years since the wizarding war against Voldemort. You and your long-time boyfriend Draco had moved into a small cosy apartment. It had one bedroom and two bathrooms. You loved it. You worked at a small coffee shop in Diagon alley to keep you active and not bored at home and Draco worked in the ministry of magic even though he had lots of money, he wanted to become a better person.

Your life was perfect even if Draco came home late a night or you going to work early. But that wasn't the case anymore. You hardly spoke to Draco. He became distant again just like in your sixth year. You were upset but you still loved him even if sometimes you thought maybe he stopped loving you.


It was 6:30am. Your alarm just went off. Normally Draco would snuggle up to you and you would cuddle for another ten minutes but since he had become so distant, he slept right at the edge of his side and so did you now.

You got up, got dressed, brushed your hair and did your teeth before getting your daily cup of coffee and a cereal bar before heading to work. Around when you get your coffee Draco gets up to get his coffee too and you would have a conversation before heading to work but that wasn't the case anymore over the past month. You'd had enough of it.

"Draco, what's going on?" you ask. Putting your mug down and leaning against the kitchen counter.

"What do you mean?" He mumbled not looking at you but the daily prophet in front of him.

"I mean why haven't you been speaking to me for the past month? It's like you've became distant like you did in our sixth year. Is something bothering you?"

He shrugs.

You pause and think.

"D-do you even love me anymore?"

He takes a deep breath.

"I think its best if we resume this conversation later." He says.

You try to not cry as you put you coat on and picking up your bag before closing the apartment door, heading for the stairs with tears in your eyes.


After a long day of work you finally head home. You decided to leave work later than usual since you didn't want to go home yet but your boss insisted you go home.

You opened you apartment to see it was deadly silent until Draco came out from the living room holding flowers.

"Look Y/n. I know I haven't really given you any attention these past few weeks I'm sorry. It's just that I really wanted to get a promotion at work because I really want to become a better person. But the stress was getting to me and I didn't realise you felt so abandoned by me. I'm sorry Love." He says. You tear up. Happy tears of course and rush into his arms.

"I have one more surprise baby." He smiles. He lets go of you. Giving you the flowers and getting down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now