I love you and I always will

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In this imagine you have a sister. You can choose her name :)

(S/n = sister's name)

Warning: just a couple of swearwords (like one swear word lol oop)


You had the perfect life. An amazing husband and a son. Everything was happy until you and your husband Draco would start arguing over everything.

It went from just arguing over the muggle tv remote to him accusing you of cheating on him.

You had enough of it so you slammed the front door in his face and apperated away.

Your son Scorpius knew about you two fighting and would always hear shouting and screaming. He was extremely sad and would often stay up in his room to avoid any conflict with you two.

Scorpius was up in his room when he heard the door slam. He opened his bedroom door and walked down the stairs into the living room to see his father in tears.

Not once in his life had he seen his father cry so he sat down next to his father and hugged him.


You ended up at your sister's house. S/n was living with her husband and two kids. When she saw that you appeared outside she quickly put down her book she had been reading and went outside.


You looked up to see your sister. When she saw that you were crying she instantly brought you into a hug.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

You explained to her what happened and she offered for you to stay at her place for a bit but you declined because you knew your son would be worried.

So later on at night you apperated back to see one light on. It was your shared room with Draco. You silently walked up the stairs and into your room to see Draco lying there and staring into space. You took your pjs out your wardrobe and went to the bathroom to change.

You then turned the light off and got into bed. Facing away from Draco and sleeping right at the edge of the bed.

After a few minutes Draco spoke.

"I don't wanna fight anymore." He took a deep breath. "I really don't I'm sorry that we keep fighting. I still love you, I always have ever since I asked you to be my date for the Yule Ball back in fourth year."

You smiled.

"I know your smiling. I will always love you Y/n. Even if we are fighting or not. I really don't want to fight anymore. I don't wanna lose you."

"You won't loose me Draco." You said finally speaking up.

"You never lost me in the first place. I love you so fucking much and I'm so sorry we keep fighting too." You say turning around and hugging Draco tightly.

You both fall asleep both of you still holding onto each other.

The next morning Scorpius found you two still asleep. Holding each other tightly.

He was happy that you two had stopped fighting and were happy again.


I love Scorpius! He's like a cute little bean ahah 🤧🥰

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