I love you too much to let you go.. pt.2

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It's been two years since the break up. You've been dealing with it well. You got good grades and good friends. You've been camping in the room of requirement since Hogwarts has been taken over by death eaters. You're just waiting for the right time to go to war with them.

"Look! It's Harry Potter!" Someone shouts. You turn your head to see the golden trio. You smile at them and stand up, brushing dust off you.

— Time Skip since I'm lazy —

As you stand in the courtyard full of death eaters and Hogwarts students, you began to look around. You see Draco. His face full of fear and his silky soft hair now dirty by the destruction of the death eaters.

You silently walk over to him. You keep thinking this is wrong but he looks so scared. Like a helpless child. You pluck up the courage to hold his hand. All the memories came flooding back to when you two where dating. You missed him. So much.

"I'm sorry" you say looking up at him. He looks down at you with tears in his eyes.

"Y/n" you wipe the tears away from his cheeks and smile.


You turn your attention to Draco's father.

"Draco..please come here." His father pleads.

Draco hesitates but finally let's go of your hand and slowly makes his way to his father.

You froze. Tears start streaming down your face. It's not long till the fight starts again. Separating from Draco once again.


I'm sorry the chapter is so short I'll update again soon. I'm also sorry I'm not updating frequently too. I don't have time or I feel unmotivated too. Also thank you for 500+ reads 🥰

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