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Today was your fourth year anniversary of you and Draco getting married. It was the happiest day of both your lives.

So today, you were gonna surprise him.

Draco was currently at work and you decided to cook a lovely dinner and put on your wedding dress to surprise him.

Draco knew how much this day meant to you so he was going to try and come home early.

As you prepared dinner, you got a letter from Draco saying that he was going to try and come home early today. You thank your pet owl and stroke him before quickly running upstairs to get your wedding dress on.

After you found it under your shared bed with Draco, you quickly put it on and ran down the stairs.

You saw the house elves had finished what you'd start to cook and laid it on the table for you. You thank them before telling them they can have the night off.

They smile and you and thank you before going. Some of them even complimented you on how pretty you looked with your wedding dress on!

You heard the door open and quickly but carefully, go to the hallway where the front door is to surprise him.

When you get there, you see his hair is slightly messed and he looks quite tired.

You smile.

"Hey honey, you came back early!" You say.

He looks up and his eyes widen.

"Y/n? You look stunning in your wedding dress! It's like the first time I saw you in it!" He says before walking to hug you.

You smile and hug him back.

"Happy anniversary!" You say.

"Happy anniversary, I got your favourite flowers for you." He smiles before handing them to you. You thank him and kiss him on the cheek. Then you lead him to the table where dinner was set.

"This looks delicious Y/n!" He says, sitting down.

"Thank you! You should thank the house elves too, they helped me prepare it." You say. You then quickly excuse yourself to get changed into something more comfortable and then go down stairs to eat with Draco.

"Thank you for doing this Y/n. I love you." He says, kissing you on the cheek.

"I love you too Draco." You say, smiling.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now