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hii so it's been around 2 weeks...I'm sorry my mental health and school has been shit recently.

Anyways here is an imagine. It's very bad since I rushed it ❤️

I forgot to mention that this idea was by Holymusicalpotter 💜

(She mentioned the idea a while ago so thank you for that)

I love you all very much thank you for reading my imagines <3


'She should be here soon.' Draco thought. He was currently sat at a fancy muggle restaurant in London. He was waiting for his date. Draco has had a crush on her for many years.

He went to school with her. They were best friends until they were separated in their sixth year.

He hadn't stopped thinking about her since. He missed her. So when he was her in Diagon Alley, he didn't even hesitate to ask her on a date. Luckily she said yes.

Draco looks up from his watch and sees a beautiful girl come in. Her hair flowing down her back and she was wearing a short black dress. She held onto her purse as she looked around the restaurant. She spotted Draco and immediately smiled and walked over to him.

Draco got up and pulled out her chair. She thanked him and say down.

Draco smiles and sits down aswell.

"It's been a while." She smiles. Draco nods and smiles.

"You look even more stunning now." He blurts out. Y/n blushes and so does Draco.

"Thank you, you look more handsome as well." Y/n says.

Draco smiles.

"So, what do you want to order?"


After you and Draco finished at the muggle restaurant, you both thought it would be nice to walk up this hill that would give a view of London.

You didn't bring anything that would keep your arms warm so you were hugging them close to your chest.

Draco noticed this and smiled before taking his blazer off and giving it to you.

"Take it Y/n you look freezing."

Y/n hesitantly nods and takes his blazer. She smiles up at Draco who is blushing because of Y/n wearing his blazer.

They walk to the top of the hill that overlooks London. Y/n leans her arms on the rails and Draco does the same.

"Y-Y/n? Do you mind if I kiss you?" Draco asks out of nowhere. Looking down at the small girl beside him.

Y/n looks up at him shocked before nodding her head.

He leans in and connects his lips with hers.

This would be the first of many kisses and many dates. In Draco's opinion this was the best day ever.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now