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"So Draco! Are you ready for our honeymoon?" You ask your husband.

Right now you were both slow dancing on the dance floor at your wedding party. The party was almost over and you two were going to board a plane in a couple of hours to go on your honeymoon.

Destination: Greece.

"Come on love, we need to get to the airport, our suitcases are already in the car." Draco says and kisses your head before taking your hand.

On the way out to the car, you said your goodbyes to everyone and then set off to the airport.

A couple of hours later, you and Draco arrived at your private rented villa right on the beach in Greece.

The first thing you did when you got inside was open the glass doors leading to the beach and looked at the view.

It was gorgeous. Draco smiles and wrapped his arms around your waist kissing your head.

"You like it love?" He asks.

"I love it!" You say.

"Good, your gonna love this even more."

Draco picks you up and places you down on the bed. You squeal. That night you both didn't get any sleep.

The next couple of days were amazing. You both relaxed near the pool that was located next to the villa and chilled on the beach. You even rented a boat and saw different landmarks.

You didn't want to leave.

"This is been the best Draco." You say. You were getting ready for bed whereas Draco was reading a book in bed.

"I know love but soon we are going to have to go back." He says. You pout and get into bed.

"I know but I'm very excited for what the future is going to hold."

"Me too Y/n. I can't wait."


Sorry this imagine is kinda bad, I rushed it since I haven't updated in like 4 days oof

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