Loving you

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I'm thinking of making a tiktok about my books and updates + some random stuff related to Harry Potter..should I do it? I'm not sure if I should or not


"Hey Y/n" Draco says, looking up at you as he was finishing his DADA homework off.

"Yes, Draco?" You say looking up from the book you were reading. Your legs were currently resting on Draco's lap in the common room, it was late at night. Everyone had gone to sleep. This was the only time you and Draco had alone time together other than meeting in the room of requirement.

You were a very quiet person. You never liked attention. You would rather stay in the shadows or stay out of drama.

You didn't know how you got Draco to be your boyfriend. You hardly knew him until your third year. You only knew him as a boy who was rejected by the famous harry potter and who always craved his father's attention.

What you didn't realise that he was trying to fit in and was very different to what people had said about him.

To you he was the nicest person. He was caring and loving towards you and only you.

You and Draco had been dating for just under a year now. You just started your fifth year. It was near Christmas time.

Your one year anniversary was coming up. Draco asked you to be his date to the yule ball and after you two danced and had fun, Draco took you to the black lake and asked you out. He was to shy to ask you out around everyone. You found that extremely cute.

Draco Malfoy was shy to ask you out. You had been crushing on him for a bit now and you would always get shy every time he came up to you.

At first he was very rude and bitchy towards you but soon he became less of a twat. He always loved to tease you and it always annoyed you. You secretly enjoyed him teasing you thought. You thought it was funny.

When you two made your relationship public two months after you started dating, people judged you. Especially Pansy and her group. You knew she had a crush on Draco. You two used to be good friends in your first year until you two stopped talking.

You felt bad but Draco reassured you and said she was clingy and you had nothing to worry about.

Lots of Slytherins judged you for a while since you were going out with the 'Slytherin prince' but soon people accepted you. Lots of people that weren't in Slytherin thought you were a perfect match for Draco.

Soon enough Draco stopped being so much of a bully and he started to be a lot nicer and happier. He even stopped annoying Potter.

"I just want you to know that I wanna marry you someday." He says randomly.

Your eyes widen and you close your book before sitting up and leaning into his chest.

"Really?" You say.

"Yes, of course I wanna marry you. I wanna marry you Y/n M/n L/n. I want to have kids with you and grow old with you. Your the love of my life even if we haven't been dating for long. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I cant see myself with anyone else. I love you so fucking much." Draco smiles, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your head.

"I want to marry you too, and have kids with you and grow old with you. I love you so much too Draco Lucius Malfoy. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you." You smile, kissing his cheek before closing your eyes.

Draco smiles and leans back, closing his eyes too. Both of you drifting to sleep. You both couldn't spend the rest of your lives without each other and that you both knew that.

You two were true soulmates.

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