Please don't leave me

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I've set up a timetable so what days I will be uploading imagines etc cuz I'm getting stressed about school work and uploading, also I can put more effort into the imagines because I feel like I'm putting no effort into them and they coming out really bad. But anyways..Enjoy this imagine!


He had done it. He had become a death eater. Did he make the wrong choice? Most importantly, what would you think?

He needed to distance himself from you, to protect you from the death eaters.

"Draco what's wrong? You've been distant lately." You say.

You both were sitting on the leather sofa in the Slytherin common room. It was late at night and everyone was in their dorms.

"Nothing is wrong Y/n." Draco simply. He didn't look up from his book he was reading.

You sighed and closed your eyes while leaning back.

"I think I'm going to bed." You say, standing up and heading to your dorm.

You hear a mumble 'good night' from Draco.

You were confused to why he was avoiding you. He would never hold your hand or kiss you anymore. You were sad but you tried not to think about it.

The next evening was the same. You were sat on the sofa finishing off homework and Draco was sat at the other end of the sofa, reading.

"Why have you been so distant lately?" You ask.

"What are you talking about?" He mumbles, not taking any interest in you.

You were angry so you grabbed the book, shut it and put it on the coffee table in front of you.

"What was that for?" He asks, half annoyed.

"Why are you always so angry all the time?" You ask.

"I'm not angry Y/n, I'm fine." He says, standing up and storming off to his dorm.

You huffed and you also went to your dorm, taking your homework with you.

The next day, Draco was being more secretive. He kept sneaking off and you were curious to see what he was up to.

'Is he cheating on me?' You thought. You gulped and followed him.

He was standing in front of a wall and the wall turned into a huge door. He walked in. Before the door can disappear again, you quietly slip through the door and hide behind a huge pile of junk.

You could see Draco very clearly. He was stood in front of a tall black wardrobe. You were confused.

You moved to get a closer look but ended up making a loud noise.

'Ok I'm done for.' You thought.

Draco almost instantly turns around and points his wand in your direction.

"Who is there?" He asks, you could see his hand shaking with fear.

You walk out of your hiding spot and face Draco.

"Y-Y/n?" He says, putting his wand in his pocket and walks towards you.

You back away in fear. He looks scared but then wraps his arms around your waist and hugs you. You could hear him crying too. You were heartbroken.

You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Why are you crying Dray? What's wrong?" You ask.

He lets go of you.

"If I tell you, please don't leave me, your all I have left." He cries. You kiss him on the cheek.

"I won't leave you, whatever it is." You smile.

He takes a deep breath and rolls his left sleeve up.

It's the dark mark.

At first you were scared but then you looked up at Draco. He was scared. You could tell by his eyes that he was forced to be a death eater.

You reached out to hold both of his hands.

"Draco, I'm not mad. It's okay, I know you didn't choose to be a death eater but having that mark on your skin isn't gonna make me love you even less. I love you Draco and not even the dark mark can tear us apart." You say.

He smiles and kisses your head.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Y/n, I was scared and I tried to push you away and I'm sorry I did that." He says.

You smile and kiss him on the lips. He kisses you back.

"I love you Draco Malfoy, not even the dark mark can separate us."

"I love you too Y/n L/n, forever and always."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now