I miss you a ton sweetie

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I haven't proof read it so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes!


You sat at the back of charms with your friend Morgan. You weren't really paying attention until you felt someone's eyes on you.

You looked up to see your ex boyfriend Draco looking at you. He realises he's staring at you and quickly turns around.

You frown.

You and Draco dated for a while up until a couple of months ago when he joined the Inquisitorial Squad. He started acting like a twat and you called it quits. You didn't speak since. He would always dock house points from your house since you were a Hufflepuff and would always bully your friends and housemates.

You were angry at him for it. It was like he was a different person when he joined. He probably just joined so he could bully everyone and kiss miss umbitches ass for house points.


You turn to your friend who is gesturing for you to do some work before you end up getting detention again. You roll your eyes and smile at your friend Morgan before copying some of her notes.

"Miss L/n! See me after class." Professor Flitwick says.

You nod silently and act confused. You knew that you were going to get detention again because you weren't listening or doing work.

After class when everyone went back to their common rooms since it was the end of the day, you got up and went to Professor Flitwick to see what he wants.

"You wanted to speak Professor?" You ask, tucking some of your hair behind your ear.

"Yes miss L/n, I would like you to pay more attention to your studies then staring into space all the time! You have your exams this year! It would be a shame if you failed your exams. Your a smart student Y/n, it would be a waste to not pay attention!" He says.

You nod and smile before leaving the room. As you leave the room, you roll your eyes and head back to your common room.

"I could help you if you want."

You turn around to see Draco meaning against the wall.

"Go away Draco, I don't need help from you." You say and continue to walk down the corridor.

"But you do, I heard your failing charms."

You stop and turn around.

"Fine, for one hour tomorrow you can help me, if your no use, don't bother me again!" You snap and walk away. Sometimes you wondered why you were in Hufflepuff.

The next day after school, you grabbed your things and headed down to the library. Once you got there, you saw Draco reading some books.

"I'm surprised you know how to read ferret." You say to Draco.

"don't bring that memory up, it haunts me." He says. You smirk and sit down next to him.

"Okay so help me with this charms homework then." You say.

Draco nods and starts to explain the homework to you.

After around 45 minutes of doing the homework, you both complete it.

"Thanks Malfoy." You day and stand up to leave. But something holds you back. Draco has grabbed your hand.

"Yes ferret?" You say.

"I-I was wondering if we could try again you know, get back together." He blushes.

You think about it before saying.

"Draco. You literally ignored me for a month because you were too busy with the umbitch cult." You frown. He also frowns.

"Fine, can we go on one date and see if that changes your mind." He asks.

You think about it before nodding.

"Tomorrow at 1 we can go to the black lake." You say and leave. You smile. You were secretly happy that you we getting to go on a date with him again.


Tomorrow came too quickly. You got up and quickly got ready then headed out to meet Draco in the courtyard. Once you were there, you couldn't see Draco anywhere so you sat on a bench and waited.

You waited and waited until it he was an hour late. You huffed and went back inside.

"Y/n!" You look up to see Draco walking towards you. You roll your eyes and walk right past him.

"Y/n! I'm sorry! I didn't realise the time." He says, holding onto your arm so you couldn't go anywhere.

"Yeah, didn't realise the time. You said that everytime we had a date when you were part of the umbitch kissing my ass squad and I was fine with it. Now it's too late." You say.

Draco quickly pulls you into his arms and kisses you. You resist at first but then gave in. You missed his kisses.

"So where are we going on this date?" He asks.

"You'll see." You say.

Overall, you missed him too much to refuse him.

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