I'm tired, lets cuddle

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Quick note:
I'm gonna take a little break so I won't upload for a couple of days. I'll write a couple of requests after I've had a break. I hope you can all understand 💜

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Also I'm sorry, this imagine is so bad :/

But it's kinda cute so 🥰


"Alright Y/n, you may go now." Snape says. You lift your head up from the desk and yawn, then you get your bag and make your way to your common room.

"See you later dad." You say.

You had just served a very painful and tiring detention with you dad. Yes Professor Snape was your dad. He made you reorganise the potion books and then made you re-write your essay that was due for potions in a couple of days. You ended up falling asleep during writing it.

Snaps came out his office and saw that you had fallen asleep, he smiles and shakes his head and tells you they detention was over.

When you arrived at the common room, you saw your boyfriend on the common room sofa. You smile.

"Hey babe." You say and sit next to him.

"Hey love, how was detention?" He asks.

"Fine, I'm really tired though." You say as he puts an arm around your shoulders.

"You can sleep now if you want baby." He smiles. You lean your head on his shoulder and you mumble 'thank you' before closing your eyes. He puts his hand on your thigh in a way of comfort. You smile and fall asleep.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Draco hears the common room door open, he looks up and sees Snape come through the door.

"Good evening Draco." He says.

"Hello professor." He smiles back.

"I have Y/n's books that she left, I see she's asleep so I'll leave her books in my classroom for her to pick up tomorrow." He says looking at his daughter before leaving the room. He stops and turns back around.

"And take your hand off my daughters thigh! That's an inappropriate place!" He snaps at Draco.

He tries not to laugh and takes his hand away and puts both of his arms around you and kisses you head.

"Sleep well Y/n." He says before going to sleep himself.

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