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"I'm positive Mrs Malfoy. Your next check up is in 2 months. See you then!" The nurse smiles and guides you out St Mungo's Hospital.

You couldn't believe it.

'Okay Y/n. Don't worry, tell Draco when you get home.' You think.

When you got home, you saw Draco in the kitchen listening to the muggle radio and baking.

You smiled. After Hogwarts, Draco took up a new hobby, baking.

You hung your coat up and put your bag on the counter.

You walked up to Draco and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Hi baby." You say, smiling.

"Hey N/n, I'm baking a cake!" Draco smiles.

"Nice, uhm, Draco..I have something to tell you." You say, looking down.

"What is it love?" He asks, turning around.

"I-I'm pregnant." You say.

Draco doesn't say anything for quite a while. Your eyes start to water.

"I-I'm sorry." You cry. Draco realises what is happening and pulls you in for a hug.

"No don't cry love, I'm so excited that we're gonna have a baby!" He smiles.


"Yeah, I'm glad to be having a baby with you, just imagine a mini me running around or a mini you." He smiles.

"Yeah! We can use the spare room upstairs and make it into their room!" You smile, wiping the tears away from your eyes.

"Yeah, I love you baby." Draco says.

"I love you too Dray." You say, standing on your tip toes to give Draco a peck on the lips.

He lets go of you and lifts up your top.

"Hey little one, it's your dad. I know you probably can't hear me but I'm so excited that your coming in 9 months! I love you little one." He says. You smile, tears threatening to fall again.

Draco keeps his hands on your belly.

"I'm happy we are having a baby."

"Me too Draco, we are gonna have a little family." You smile.

"Yeah, a little family."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now