He chose her pt.3

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Draco kept trying to come to your house everyday. You and Scorpius now ignored him if he came.

You were thinking about moving away again but you had just settled in to this house.

You sighed and burnt the last of some of the pictures with you and Draco in. You only kept the ones that you would give to Scorpius when he was older.


You turn around to see your son out of bed.

"What's wrong hun?" You ask him.

"I had a nightmare mummy, it was about that creepy man that comes to our house everyday." He says, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

You sigh and nod and take him back up to bed.

You place him on the bed and you sit down on the bed as Scorpius gets into bed.

"Scorpius, Draco isn't a bad person. I just didn't want him to see you as I was afraid you'd be taken away from me. But if you want to go and see your father, you can do anytime. Just ask me and we can go to where your father lives." You say.

He nods and gets into bed.

"I love you mummy." He says, rubbing his eyes.

"I love you too Scorpius, Goodnight sweetie." You smile and shut his door a tiny bit.

You sigh and rubs your temples.

Before you went to sleep, you quickly sent a letter to Draco that Scorpius would be coming to visit tomorrow as you wanted Scorpius to see his father for a bit.

After your owl had flew out the window, you quickly turned off the lamp and went to sleep.


"Come on Scorpius! We are going to see Draco today." You say, grabbing your coat and Scorpius's backpack with some of his toys and his drawing pad in.

"Okay mummy!" He smiles.

You take his hand and you both apperate to Malfoy Manor.

You gulp and lead Scorpius through the gates and to the front door.

"Remember to be good sweetie and I'll come get you later." You smile and kiss his head.

Astoria opens the door with a smile but it instantly drops down to a frown when she sees you.


"Greengrass." You say. Saying her maiden name instead of Malfoy.

You and Astoria were best friends at Hogwarts until you caught Draco cheating and chose her instead of you.

"Scorpius! How are you?" Draco beams as he comes to the door.

"I am good Draco." He says. You smirk.

Draco frowns and gestures for Scorpius to come inside.

"I'll pick him up later." You simply say and apperate away.

3 years later.

"I'm gonna miss you mum!" Scorpius smiles.

"I'm gonna miss you too!" You say, hugging your son and trying not to cry.

"I'll miss you Seamus!" He smiles at your husband. You husband smiles and give Scorpius a quick hug.

"I'll miss you too Scorpius." He smiles and wraps an arm around your waist.

"I'll owl you when baby Millie is born." You smile.

That's right! You were six months pregnant with your second child. This time the father was Seamus.

You and Seamus were classmates at Hogwarts and when you two met again where you were working. You two started dating and got married a year ago.

Scorpius smiles and gets onto the train. You see he's sat with Ron and Hermione's kids. You look to the side to see Draco walking towards you and your husband.

"I'm not too late am I?" He asks.

"No, your just on time. Scorpius has just boarded the train.

Draco nods and sees Scorpius talking to his new friends he made. He waves at Scorpius and Scorpius waves back.

"I'll miss him." Draco says.

"We will all miss him." You sigh.




ok sorry lol

thank you for reading this imagine 💜💜

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