He chose her pt.1

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Helloooo I have a week of school left so imma update a lot more soon 🥳

[I haven't proof read this so I'm sorry for the mistakes]


"Mum? What are we doing today?" Your son asks.

You were cleaning the kitchen after you and your son had just had breakfast.

"Today I'm going shopping for our new house, you can join me if you want or you can go to Aunt Hermione and uncle Ron's house." You say.

"I'll come with you! I wanna buy new things for the house." He smiles, going upstairs to change.

You and your son Scorpius had recently moved near the sea into a small home.

You had moved away from Scorpius's father since he married another woman.

You dated Draco Malfoy in Hogwarts and up until you were pregnant. That was until he chose Astoria Greengrass over you. You were heartbroken.

He didn't even realise you were pregnant until you sent him a letter stating that you were pregnant and he wasn't allowed to see your son.

"Mum! I'm ready!" Scorpius shouts jumping down the stairs.

Scorpius was almost 9 years old now and you were happy you were raising your son on your own so you could spend all your time on raising him.

You had a part time job in a small shop in diagon alley to pay bills and that.

"Okay so we are going to use the muggle car today so we can fit everything in the car! We are going to a muggle furniture shop called Ikea." You say, grabbing your coat and your bag before getting in the car. Scorpius also gets in the front of the car and claps his hands excitedly.

"I'm so excited!" He smiles. You laugh and turn the car on.

After you two got to ikea and shopped around for last minute things to put in your new home, you wanted to show Scorpius where you worked and you needed to pick up some papers and your pay check.

"Scorpius, hun? We quickly need to go to where I work to collect some things." You say, parking the car and quickly hiding in an alleyway before apperating to diagon alley.

"That's fine mum." He smiles and holds your hand as you walk through diagon alley.

"Soon we will be shopping for school supplies." You smile. Looking around.

Scorpius smiles at you and you open the door to where you work. You worked at a bookstore where school kids got their school books and that.

You greet the owner and introduce him to your son before going behind the counter into the stockroom to get some paperwork.

Your boss hands your pay check over to you and you thank him.

You turn around to try and find Scorpius, he wasn't where he was last so you looked around to see if he was in the shop and trying to not panic as much.

You finally found Scorpius a couple of minutes later talking with a man. You quickly rush up to him and hug him.

"Scorpius! There you are!" You smile.

"Whose this your talking to?" You ask him. He shrugs and you stand up to greet the person who was talking to your son.

You look up. You gasp and push Scorpius behind you.

"Malfoy." You say with a straight face.

"Y/n? Is that you? It's been 9 years!" He exclaims. You frown and nod.

"Whose this?" He asks.

"This is my son, Scorpius." You say, still frowning.

"How is Astoria?" You say coldly.

"She's good." He admits. You mentally roll your eyes.

"Well we better get going now, come on Scorpius." You say, pushing your son out the shop quickly and not saying goodbye to Draco.

"Who was that mummy?" He asks as you sit down on a nearby beach and putting your head in your hands.

"That was your father Scorpius."


Do you guys want a part 2?

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