Shopping with Draco

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[suggested by @Lizz.yhill]
Sorry if this imagine is boring.


"Draco? Are you ready to go?" You ask, picking up your bag from the counter and putting it over your shoulder.

"Yes I'm ready!" Draco says walking out your shared bedroom.

Today you were going to take Draco to a muggle mall. Since your mother was a muggle and your father was a wizard, you knew a lot about the muggle world.

You also took your driving test a couple of months after the battle of Hogwarts so you could get to places quicker without using floo powder.

"So where are we going today love?" Draco asks putting a hand on your thigh in a comforting way.

"We're going to a mall or a shopping centre as they call it in England." You say, focussed on the road.

"Sounds fun." Draco smiles.


After you had parked and got out the car, you took Draco's hand and took him into the shopping centre. You squealed.

"Why are you so excited about a huge building with a load of people?" He asks.

"Draco, it's not just a huge building, there are shops too! It's like Diagon Alley but the shops are filled with muggle items and clothes." You smile, leading him into a shop.

After two hours of shopping, you take Draco to the last store you wanted to go to.

"I just need to go to this shop to buy some perfume for a friend because it's her birthday soon." You say.

As you were looking through the selected perfumes, Draco was looking round the shop. He saw the word 'lingerie' and was immediately confused. Why did you take him into a lingerie shop?

As you were still browsing, you felt two arms around your waist, hugging you from behind.

"Hey Y/n, why did you bring me into a shop full of lingerie?" Draco asks. You blush and laugh.

"What? They also sell good perfume! Why did you want me to buy some?" You ask seductively. Draco blushes and buries his head in your neck.

"I'm gonna go pay for this now then we can go home." You say going to the counter to pay. After you paid, you went to the car and put your shopping away in the boot and sat in the drivers seat.

"So how did you like a muggle shopping centre?" You ask Draco.

"It was okay, I still think Diagon alley is better though."

"That's only because you like looking through all the Quidditch stuff."

"Of course Y/n, Quidditch is the best."

"I agree with that!"

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