You are good enough

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Tonight was mostly like any other night. You were laying in your boyfriend, Draco's bed. It was currently the winter holidays and Draco had invited you to stay with him over Christmas.

Draco was currently downstairs getting hot chocolate for both of you. Ever since you'd got together, Pansy Parkinson has tried to break you and Draco up but it has never worked. You wonder if he would be better with Pansy.

On cue Draco comes into the room with two cups of steaming hot chocolate with marshmallows in. He hands one to you as you sit down on his bed.

"Thank you, love." You smile taking the hot chocolate from your boyfriend and sipping on it slowly so it doesn't burn your mouth.

After you both drink the hot chocolate you decide it's time to sleep.

You keep thinking about how your not good enough and how Pansy would be a better match for Draco.

"Y/n?" You hear your boyfriend say. You turn around and look at him. It's like he's reading your mind.

"Love, are you alright?" He asks. "I'm fine." You day and turn around to try get to sleep. You feel Draco pull you closer so your back is touching his bare sculpted chest.

"Y/n..I know something is not okay. Can you tell me? I love you." He says nuzzling his nose into your neck. You sigh.

"I just feel like I'm not good enough for you. I keep thinking your better with Pansy. She's more pretty and she has more Slytherin blood in her veins than I do. I'm one of the only Slytherin's in my family. Your parents would much rather have her in your family then me. I'm an ugly, fat slag." You rant. Tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

Draco looks at you like he's just seen a ghost. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes too.

"Y/n M/n L/ are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wouldn't want anyone else in the world because your beautiful, kind, funny and your all mine. Your the one that doesn't deserve me and no way in hell would I want to date Pansy. I only have feelings for you and only you. One day we're gonna get married and you'll be Y/n Malfoy and I love you so much and I wouldn't want anyone else just my Y/n." Draco says pulling you close so your  foreheads are touching. You smile.

"Draco..I love you so much I wouldn't want anyone else other than you. I'm sorry." You say looking down.

Draco lifts your head up and kisses your lips softly. "Let's get some sleep." He smiles reassuringly. You nod and close your eyes, falling asleep.

Draco stayed true to his goal. You becoming Y/n M/n Malfoy.

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