Still don't know my name pt.1

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This imagine is so short but it's cute :)

H/C = hair colour
H/N = house name

Part 2 coming soon! :D


Again there she was. Reading at the black lake with her H/C hair flowing down her back as she turns a page in the book she was reading.

Draco stared at her in awe. He had never seen anyone so beautiful.

Unfortunately he couldn't speak to her though.

She was a H/N and he was in Slytherin. Pansy and her gang would also go after her if he ever spoke to her.

But maybe he could get away from them if he went to speak to her.

He turned around to see none of his friend group or Pansy there.

He smiles a bit before going to sit next to the girl.

"Hi." He simply says.

"Hello." She smiles and looks up from her book.

Draco and the girl sat in peaceful silence before she closed her book and looked at Draco.

"Well I'm gonna go back to my common room, it was nice sitting here, Draco." She says, kissing his cheek slightly and leaving.

Draco blushes. The girl never told him her name but he knew.

He had fallen for her.

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