let's go to the beach

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"Scorpius? Draco? You ready to go?" You shout.

For the day you had planned to take Draco and Scorpius to the beach. It was supposed to be hot today and it would be fun to go and swim in the sea.

"I'm ready mum!" Scorpius says, running down the stairs and Draco coming down shortly after him.

The beach was right behind your house meaning if you left anything behind you could easily go back and get it.

Once you got to the beach, you placed a blanket down and sat on it, putting your bags down in the process.

"Can we go swimming?" Scorpius asks.

"Sure buddy! Y/n? You coming?" Draco asks, taking his shirt and shoes off, leaving him in his swimming trunks.

"Yeah in a minute, I just wanna lie down for a bit." You say smiling. Draco nods and follows Scorpius to the sea.

You take off your dress you were wearing to reveal your navy blue bikini. You applied sun cream and lay down on the blanket.

About 10 minutes later when you were almost half asleep, you were picked up and your eyes instantly opened.

"Draco? What are you doing? Put me down!" You say, pouting.

"Nooo, please come in the sea with me, Scorpius is eating sandwiches right now." He smirks.

You sigh. Draco walks into the sea and when the water is up to his waist, he lets go of you and you splash into the water.

You swim up from under water and smack him on the chest.

"Jerk! I was almost asleep until you picked me up!" You say.

"Yeah, but you love me." Draco smiles and grab your arm, pulling you into him so he can hug you.

You roll your eyes and smile.

"I love you too." You smile and kiss him.

"We better get back, Scorpius might be worried."

You both swim to the shore and make your way back to where Scorpius was.

After hours of swimming in sea and building a load of sand castles, you finally decide it's time to head back.

"Thanks for taking us to the beach today mum, it was great!" Scorpius smiles.

"No problem, it was amazing to spend time with you both." You smile, leaning into Draco.

He wraps his arms around you.

"Yeah it was amazing to spend time at the beach as a family."

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