A cute pregnancy story

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Thank you so much again to BitmojiBitch for writing this imagine! <3

Backstory: after the Battle of Hogwarts, you and Draco moved to a quite area just outside London. He proposes to you on your 10th anniversary (you've been together since 2nd year) and you ofc said yes! You're currently 10 weeks pregnant and his parents are coming over for dinner.



*{Y/n}'s POV*

"{y/n}! Dear, so nice to see you again! How have you been keeping?" Narcissa said to me as soon as I opened the door for them. She engulfed me in a massive hug squeezing me tight. Draco's attention, which had been on his father, quickly turned to me. Ever since he found out I was pregnant. He was more overprotective than usual. He looked at me, worry taking over his expression. I mouthed 'I'm ok' to him and he nodded

"Good to see you too, Mum." Draco pouted. We all laughed and Narcissa just took my hand and walked through the house to the kitchen.

"I'm good, Narcissa. How are you and Lucius?" I turned on the tap and let the water flow into the kettle. When it was finished, I placed it down and hit the switch to boil.

"The usual. Same old, same old." We both laughed. I took out 4 mugs and a teabag for each and proceeded to make the tea. "How about you and Draco? What's been happening with you two lately?" she asked me.

I nodded in response, "We're good, yeah. Better than ever actually. Do you want to come into the living room? I think the men are out here."


We walked into the living room and I placed the tea on the coffee table.

"Thanks, babe." Draco said and planted kisses all over my face. I giggled at his gesture.

"As much as we like to see you two so in love, get a room." Lucius stated, causing Narcissa to lightly hit him.

"I didn't just get a room, I got a whole house." Draco retorted back, causing me to blush and his parents to laugh.


After 20 minutes of laughing and talking about the ministry of magic and how shite the new minister is, I ask if anyone wants any biscuits.

"If you don't mind, baby, thanks." He kissed my lips softly before I left for the kitchen.

I searched for 5 minutes, but couldn't find them. Then I remembered that Draco put them on the highest shelf we had. I climbed up onto the counter and started moving things around to be able to reach. I moved my foot on the counter to allow me to move a big tin of keys (no one knows where they come from or where they lead to) onto the counter, but missed the countertop and fell backwards.

*Back 10 minutes*

*Draco's POV*

{y/n} just got up to go get biscuits. As soon as she got up, mum began to scold me.

"Draco, if you wanted biscuits, you should have gotten up and got them yourself."

"Sorry," She nodded and replied, "I would hope you are."

10 minutes of listening to more Ministry struggles, {y/n} still wasn't back. Worry was getting the better of me. Hope she's ok. I excused myself from my seat to go to the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen to see {y/n} on the counter, just about to fall. I ran over to her and caught her just in time.

I turned her around and held her up from under her thighs. She had her legs wrapped round my waist, her hands playing with my hair and her head nuzzled in my shoulder.

"Baby, are you alright? What were you thinking? If you needed help, you should have asked me."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"shhhh. It's ok"

Mum and Dad came running into the room when they heard a crying noise.

"What's happening? Is everyone ok?" Mum asked, almost shouting when she entered.

I placed {y/n} back down on her feet, pecked her lips and snaked my arm around her waist, pulling her close. "Yep. Just a little accident. Mum, Dad, can we talk to you in the living room please? We'll join you in a moment."

They both nodded then walked off to the living room.

"You ready?" {y/n} asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She giggled and replied, "I'll go get the box. You go make small talk." I nodded and kissed her gently. I walked out to the living room and sat down in my old seat.

*{Y/n}'s POV*

I ran up the stairs, really quickly.

"{y/n}, baby, be careful!" Draco called from the living room. I giggled. He was being really overprotective. But I loved it, so I wasn't complaining.

"alright!" I shouted back down. I grabbed the box that contained the pregnancy tests I took. We were going to give them to the Malfoys along with a baby grow that said 'I love my nana and grandpa' .

I ran back down the stairs and walked into the living room, taking my seat in Draco's arms.

"This is for you," I set the box down on the table. "It's not much but... ya know. We're not loaded."

They all looked at me with a confused expression on their faces. "It means have a lot of money."

"Well, if you ever need help with money, just ask." Lucius informed us. We nodded a thank you.

I leant back into Draco's arms and began smiling like a crazy lady. I hope they take the news well. Narcissa opened it and her eyes went wide. She began searching through it. (the baby grow was on top with the tests underneath) She found the tests, then looked from me, to the tests, to Draco and back to the tests.

"I-I'm going to be a nana?" Narcissa asked us. I nodded in response and she jumped up out of her seat. "I'm a nana! Lucius, you're going to be a grandpa!" She walked around the coffee table and gave me a huge hug. She squeezed me tightly, this time a bit too tight. Draco shot her daggers and when she didn't get the message said, "Mum, not so tight." She pulled back and laughed. "Sorry"

"It's ok Narcissa." I replied. Lucius gave me a hug and congratulated me and Draco on the baby.

After 4 more hours of talking about the Ministry, the baby, Hogwarts, the baby and muggle things, it was finally time for our guests to leave.

"Thanks for coming, Lucius and Narcissa." I spoke.

"Yeah, thanks mum and dad." Draco said.

"No, thank you for having us and for blessing us with a little grandbaby." Narcissa smiled.

They walked out, waved goodbye and apparated home.

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