I love you too much to let you go.. pt.3

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After the war you had been living with the Weasley's. You had become very good friends with Ginny and George. Since your parents had divorced because of your mother being a witch, she had hardly any money and was working a lot. Since her tiny apartment could hardly fit another person in besides her, she sent you to live with the Weasley's while she was earning money.

"Kids! Come get your lunch!" Mrs Weasley shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

You all make it downstairs and see Mrs Weasley cooked soup.

"This soup is delicious Mrs Weasley!" You exclaimed. "Thank you dear. Please just call me Molly." She smiled. You continue eating when there is a sudden knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" George said. He had not been himself since Fred died and decided to move back in with his family for a bit to get over his stage of grief.

"Y/n...I think you need to come here." George says. You stand up, confused and walk to the door to see Draco.

"Draco?" You say, stepping outside and closing the door behind you. "Y/n.." Draco Smiles hugging you. You hug him back. "What are you doing here?" You ask. "Well um I came here to say that I'm sorry for how I treated you. I was such a horrible boyfriend and I wanna make it up to you.." he says blushing. "Draco.." you say.

"What I'm trying to say is that I wanna try being a couple again..if it's okay with you." He says. You smile up at him. "I'd like that very much." You say.

Draco wastes no time and crashes his  lips into yours. You smile into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck and he does the same by wrapping his arms around your waist.

Ginny's POV.

"Oh what a lovely sight to see, Malfoy snogging Y/n." I say with a disgusted face.

"I bet you it won't be long until they get married." George smirks.

"Y/n is like a sister to us. If she marries Malfoy we will be stuck with him." Ron says stirring his soup with his spoon.

"Agreed" the three of us said laughing.

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