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"So your breaking up with me because you found someone else?!" You say tears spilling onto your cheeks. "Yeah, love. I'm sorry it's just I'm happier around her." He says inching close to you.

"Don't touch me and don't call me love." You scream, wiping the tears. "How long has this been going on for?" You ask.

Draco looks down to the floor. "6 months." He says looking back up again. "SIX MONTHS? YOU GIT!" You scream. "We have been together for 2 years. 2! If you were unhappy you should of told me." You say, more tears dripping.

Draco is now crying too. "Get out of my dorm Draco and don't even think about talking to me." You quietly say. He looks at you once more then leaves and you slam the door, crying your eyes out.

It's been 4 months since Draco broke it off with you. Every time you see him he's with his new girlfriend Astoria Greengrass. You eventually got over Draco and met Alexander Smith. He was in the same year as you in Ravenclaw. After 1 month he finally asked you to Hogsmeade and since then you have been a couple.

Right now you and Alex were underneath a tree near the black lake cuddling and enjoying the afternoon together.

"Say, Y/N. What job do you want to have after you have graduated?" Alex smiles at you. You look at him  smiling back. "I don't know maybe a healer?" You reply kissing his cheek. He smiling and pulls you in for a full make out session.

Draco's POV

Ever since I broke up with Y/N things haven't been the same. Astoria was too clingy and a bit of a slut. I walk down to the Black lake to have some quiet and where Y/N and I would always cuddle and enjoy our time here.

Once I got to the black lake I heard someone, her laugh. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I hid behind a tree. I see her and her new boyfriend Alex. Alex was a total douche. Every time Y/N wasn't around he would constantly flirt with other girls behind her back. She didn't deserve it.

I see them making out and my heart breaks. Maybe she is really over me I thought. I wipe my tears and storm to them.

Your POV.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Someone asks. I break away an see it's my ex Draco.

"Oh, hello Draco." You quietly and look up at him. "What are you doing here Malfoy? I'm enjoying my time with my girlfriend." Alex says angrily and standing up to face him.

"Oh I was just coming to tell your precious girlfriend that you have been sleeping with other girls for the past 3 weeks!" Draco says smirking. You gasp and look at Alex. He was tomato red. "I-I" You smack him round the face. "You idiot, you does every guy I date end up cheating. For god sake, we're over Alex." You huff and walk back to Hogwarts.

"Hey Y/n! Wait up!" Someone calls. You turn around, it's Draco. You sigh. "What do you want Draco?" You ask. "Well I wanted to say sorry for how I treated you and I broke it off with Astoria a few days ago because I still love you." He blushes.

You smile and take his hand. "I still love you too, I felt so lost without you Draco." You blush as-well. He smiles and pulls you in for a kiss. You kiss back. "I missed you so much." He says nuzzling his nose into your neck. You wrap your arms around his torso and he wraps with arms around your waist. "I love you." You smile. "I love you too." He smiles back.


Thank you for 30 reads! I thought I would of gotten like 1 or 2! I'm forever grateful 💗

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