Lockdown! pt.2

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Since you guys really liked 'Lockdown!'

I've done a part 2! Enjoy :)


It's been a couple of weeks since lockdown has started and nothing has really changed. Draco is doing work in his office and Scorpius is outside on his broom.

You didn't need to do any work from home since you worked with magical creatures.

You were very bored. You had cleaned the house and helped Scorpius with his school work.

You thought maybe you could go annoy Draco, so you went to annoy Draco.

"Hi Dray." You say smiling.

"Hi N/n." He says looking up briefly.

"What you doing?" You say going round to the back of his chair and putting my arms around him.

"Work, I'm almost done though." He says.

"That's good baby, I'll leave you to it then." You say and walk out of the room.

You were making dinner when your son Scorpius comes into the kitchen.

"Hi mum."

"Hi hun, how was flying on your broom?" You say.

"It was alright, it's not as fun though since Albus isn't here." He says pouting.

"I know but we gotta stick to the lockdown rules so we don't get that annoying virus." You say. Scorpius groans and turns around.

"Oh hey dad." Scorpius says smiling.

"Hey buddy." He says and goes over to you wrapping his arms around you.

"Hi Y/n." He says.

"Hey Dray." You smile.

He lets go of you to talk to Scorpius and you smile.

"How about we all watch a muggle movie tonight!" Scorpius says.

"That's a good idea, how about we eat dinner first and then we watch a movie of your choice." Draco says.



After you all eat dinner, you make some popcorn and make your way to the living room where Scorpius is trying to find a good movie to watch.

"How about a Disney movie like..The Little Mermaid!" Scorpius exclaims.

"Sure thing!" You say.

"What are we watching then?" Draco says coming into the room.

"The Little Mermaid." You smile.

You sit down in the sofa, Scorpius on one side and Draco on the other side.

Draco puts his arm around you and you instantly cuddle into him and kiss his jaw.

You hear Scorpius mumble 'ew gross' you giggle and watch the movie.

In the middle of the movie, Scorpius when to bed because he was tired so it was just you and Draco watching the movie.

You were slowly falling asleep and so was Draco.

"Dray we should go to bed." You mumble.

"Noooo I don't wanna move."

You giggle and lay down with Draco resting on your chest.

"Goodnight Y/n." He says.

"Goodnight Draco." You smile, closing your eyes.

Scorpius wasn't surprised when he found you two still asleep on the sofa the next morning.

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